What's wrong with 270 WSM?

The weight of the powder charge is minimal addition to recoil. It is bullet weight, velocity and rifle weight that matters. You increase velocity by 15 to 25 percent, you increase recoil period. Most people despite all the talk just cannot handle recoil.

The formula for recoil velocity is \(V=-mvM\), where \(v\) is the bullet velocity and \(M\) is the mass of the gun. The negative sign indicates that the gun moves in the opposite direction of the bullet.

There is no free lunch. Push up velocity you push up recoil.
According to load data 6.5 prc gets about 3000 fps give or take with ~60 gr of powder out of a 24” barrel. The 277 sig fury gets 3000 fps with 140 out of 16” barrel out of a 16” barrel using basically a 308 win case. Load data shows a max charge around 48 gr in a 308 case with 175gr (same sec density as 140 .270. According to jbm in 7 lbs rifle that is 22.3 ft-lbs of recoil for 6.5 prc and 18.9 ft-lbs for the 277 Fury. Of course if you use a longer barrel, 277 sig fury will likely be 3200 fps but that is not the point. In a 16” barrel the 6.5 prc would probably be 2800 fps and 20.6 ft-lbs so still more recoil unless the jbm calc is wrong

According to load data 6.5 prc gets about 3000 fps give or take with ~60 gr of powder out of a 24” barrel. The 277 sig fury gets 3000 fps with 140 out of 16” barrel out of a 16” barrel using basically a 308 win case. Load data shows a max charge around 48 gr in a 308 case with 175gr (same sec density as 140 .270. According to jbm in 7 lbs rifle that is 22.3 ft-lbs of recoil for 6.5 prc and 18.9 ft-lbs for the 277 Fury. Of course if you use a longer barrel, 277 sig fury will likely be 3200 fps but that is not the point. In a 16” barrel the 6.5 prc would probably be 2800 fps and 20.6 ft-lbs so still more recoil unless the jbm calc is wrong
I am confused are reading something wrong. Are you saying both rifles weighing the same pushing the same bullet weight at the same or speed. One has less recoil based solely on a difference of 12 grains of powder? I am ready your saying the less recoil one is even pushing faster speeds. If so that is some Harry Potter stuff.
I am confused are reading something wrong. Are you saying both rifles weighing the same pushing the same bullet weight at the same or speed. One has less recoil based solely on a difference of 12 grains of powder? I am ready your saying the less recoil one is even pushing faster speeds. If so that is some Harry Potter stuff.
I am not saying it. The recoil calculator on jbm ballistics is saying it. Run it yourself if you think I did something wrong.

I am confused are reading something wrong. Are you saying both rifles weighing the same pushing the same bullet weight at the same or speed. One has less recoil based solely on a difference of 12 grains of powder? I am ready your saying the less recoil one is even pushing faster speeds. If so that is some Harry Potter stuff.
Powder weight is included in the recoil calculation so more powder adds recoil. If the calculation is correct it’s more than you think. Thus the sig with less powder and more pressure for the same speed has less recoil. Or it could have more speed and less recoil.
For me it just doesn't do anything better than other cartridges on the market, no ammo availability, and the reloading components are harder to find with better options out there.

If I want to shot lighter bullets I would go 6.5 PRC or 270 win (I have a 270 win) and the availability of everything is there. If I want to shoot heavier bullets, than 6.8 Western, 7SAW, 7wsm, 7PRC, and 7SAUM seem like a better choice.
.536 g1 bc
I guess it's more of a preference thing though because if you don't shoot long range bc doesn't matter as much.
My go to’s in Montana 8400 with 26” MGM barrel are 140 Berger classics and 145 ELD-X’s at 3300+ fps. Still going 1800 fps at 800 yards. 150 Accubonds started at 3150 get me to 750 for elk. I don’t shoot at big game further than that. Rifle weighs 8 1/2lbs scoped with Maven 2-15, and is my dedicated spot and shoot rifle for open country deer/elk. If I’m climbing mtns I ‘m packing 7 lb X-Bolt 300 WSM with 180 Bondstrikes at 3050 FPS MV.
Pisses me off that Jamison was granted patents for sth he regurgitated, and Winchester’s piss poor handling of the mess that resulted in stupid WSM ammo prices. If you’re not a hand loader and you’re running WSMs I feel bad for you.
Starting today and being a child of the ‘60s and barbershop JOC stories I’d start with a 6.8 Western. What can I say🥴?