What’s the coolest thing you found in the back country

Couple years ago alone chasing elk in a new to me area, left the truck in the morning not thinking with a half empty water bladder, weather ended up much hotter than expected, hiked further than planned, and next thing you know mid day I'm a few miles back, up in the rocks above tree line, sweating my nads off, bonked, out of water.

Dropped down a steep timbered north slope hoping to find a seep. Every little draw that looks like it should have water on map ends up dry. Keep dropping down and side hilling to each draw. Steep turns steeper, timbered turns dead fall, hot turns hotter. Starting to get a bit concerned. End up finding a little seep. Fill up dirty bag, filter it into a bottle, sit back relieved about to take my first sip, look up...

In 2021, we let out a mid day location bugle. A bull answered back with a lazy bedded bugle near the back of the canyon. We were going to have to wait for the thermals to switch to make a play. While sitting on the hillside, between naps and snacks, I found an old quarter. We passed it around and guessed about how it may have gotten there. A few hours later, we found ourselves in a rut fest that culminated with a really good dead bull. That quarter rides in my bino harness everywhere I go. We use it to make decisions.

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What year is on it?
What year is on it?



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Hey, I recognize that quarter! I lost that while elk hunting back in 1992. I’ll PM you my address so you can send it back to its rightful owner.

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It's your bad luck quarter, you lost it, his good luck quarter, he found it. He better just keep a hold of it.

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Found a brand new iphone 200 miles in the middle of nowhere in Alaska. Only access was by seaplane or kayak and we were the only ones known to have ventured out there that year. It was still on and still charged, so it couldn't have been more than a day or two lost.

Brought it back to the Rangers when we got back in and never heard about it again.
Found a brand new iphone 200 miles in the middle of nowhere in Alaska. Only access was by seaplane or kayak and we were the only ones known to have ventured out there that year. It was still on and still charged, so it couldn't have been more than a day or two lost.

Brought it back to the Rangers when we got back in and never heard about it again.

That would be such a good tie-in for Missing 411 episode...
I wasn't hunting but I was in the Backcountry when this magical event happened. You see I was walking down a trail and in the distance I heard what sounded like a waterfall. This was pre GPS days and I didn't have a map. I told myself what the hell so I struck out down a finger to the water. When I arrived at the edge there was about a 30 foot drop into a pool where I ended up seeing two young women that appeared to be a little older than I.
Let's just say when I made it down and introduced myself later that day I found the most amazing thing ever in the Backcountry.

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Depending on you past experience with split tail at the time, you could also post this experience in the thread, "things youve lost in the back country"
Went trout fishing on the Black River, south of Springerville, AZ last month. Beautiful country for sure. About 100 yards uphill from our campsite were these two rock fortifications constructed against rock outcroppings. They even had rifle ports in the outward facing walls and, at one time overhead cover. Would love to know the history behind them and would love to hear they stories they could tell.


they do not hold up to significant weather, as such, they cannot be more than a few years old. There are guys that rebuild them regularly, some are virtuosos at it.
I've found several shot-up cars and trucks from the 40s and 50s miles from any trail or road. Makes you wonder how is the hell they got back there and why.