The Shoot2hunt Podcast

Here's my take on it. Form gives us data and tells us to do with it what we will because to him, it is just data. I enjoy being given data about something I care about/enjoy/participate in and then test it on my own. If I find that my data matches the data given, I continue to test the data and then share my findings with others in my sphere. When the people in my sphere try these things and end up with the same data I got which matches the data Form shared, we are starting to see trends that are suggesting that the data is a factual truth.

In the last 2+ years I've continued to test and educate myself by trying things I never would have tried before. I've been using heavy for caliber match type bullets since before Shawn and Broz started LRO when LRH was THE forum for western hunting information. I've had big bore magnum rifles built for me by Kirby Allen and Snowy Mountain Rifles that were killing machines but weren't fun to shoot. They were accurate but you didn't want to run more than 20 rounds through them in a day without risking getting flinchy. They weren't guns you practiced with or shot for fun. It was a slow evolution back to smaller and smaller cartridges to get to where I am today. I went from a 243 Winchester to a 270 Winchester to a 300WM to a 338WM to a 338 AE back to a 300WM to a 264WM to a 280AI to a 260 to 6.5CM to a 6CM to a 223 in the last 20 years. I will always have a 300WM in my rifle stable but I will never be without a bolt action 223 either.

From the mid 80's to about 2010, I thought that all scopes lost zero or I was a poor shot until I started installing my own scopes. I bought the tools and found the it wasn't hard to make a gun shoot really good with factory ammo or handloads. Even then, I would occasionally get a zero shift for no apparent reason even when rifles were babied. That ended when I started trying drop tested scopes that passed. I'm now the guy in my sphere that people bring their rifles to when they can't get them to shoot well. Once we remove, clean, and check all the fasteners and make sure they are properly torqued, we swap to a known good drop tested scope. What we usually find is that the guns shoot great. The issue was it was never set up properly. Dirty threads, loose screws, cross threaded screws, and other things are often found because the kid that put your scope and gun together hadn't been trained or had no previous mechanical experience and put the gun together poorly or the components you went cheap on broke.

I'll keep testing the data Form shares and enjoying shooting more than I once did. Shoot more, test the data yourself, and see if maybe you can learn something too.

I lasted about half way through. First episode I've turned off. One out of a hundred is pretty good.

Also, congrats to S2H on 100 episodes.
Me too. Nothing against the guy, but nothing to do with shooting for hunting.

While not hunting related, I found it informative and interesting and it changed my thinking on TBI treatments.
Some of you just need to drink some mushroom tea and do an ayahuasca. You'll find that releasing your outer toxic magnum you will become the TMK. I guess S2H is JRE now :ROFLMAO:
From what I have heard of Ayahuasca it sounds fairly miserable. I can crap my pants and puke in the woods with a few pickled eggs and a 30 rack...while I hunt.
I enjoyed the podcast guest and it was probably one of my favorite episodes.
I enjoy any and all information and other people’s perspectives on issues that I’m not well informed about. Now I doubt I’ll be micro dosing or taking an ayahuasca retreat, but I do have a few family members or other people I know with TBIs or severe trauma. It would probably help those people, because they honestly couldn’t get any worse.

I wish Shoot2Hunt would have talked to Cody more about his hunting and other experiences but it was still good. Maybe they will have him back on.

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Whenever someone tells me this, I always raise an eye brow. It's like a right of passage with every single hunter I know to have dealt with a scope losing zero at some point.
My hunting buddy is about to get to deer camp. He's got flinching problems, but also think some of his issue is his scope. He got a new Savage (model unknown) and has gone on the interwebs and is convinced the most recent problems are the rifle. I'm not familiar with Savages, but can't think it can be bad enough to explain the issues. Hopefully we will sort it out this week, but I'm thinking it could be at least partially his scope.
My hunting buddy is about to get to deer camp. He's got flinching problems, but also think some of his issue is his scope. He got a new Savage (model unknown) and has gone on the interwebs and is convinced the most recent problems are the rifle. I'm not familiar with Savages, but can't think it can be bad enough to explain the issues. Hopefully we will sort it out this week, but I'm thinking it could be at least partially his scope.
Hopefully you guys can get it sorted. I hate rifle problems..... they are so annoying.
Hornady 178gr ELD-X, 168gr ELD-M.
Hey sorry to reply to an old comment but i have a question about the 178 eldx in a factory tikka. Are you usually loading them in a standard short action mag or would they work better in a long action mag? I have to buy a new mag anyway and i have an adjustable bolt stop fitted
I found the JVB podcast to be mostly fair to form and a lot of his thought processes. Yes he disagreed on a few things(such as quartering shots with match light caliber). However he agreed on most and even some things I wouldn’t have expected such as using match ammo on deer. It’s a good thing everyone is talking about smaller lighter recoiling rifles that shoot bullets that work for specific applications with deadly results. JVB didn’t claim to be an all knowing god he just used his life examples (stories) to try and make his point. More experienced hunter/shooters (EXO, JVB, whoever) discussing/testing these subjects typically the better. And in turn hopefully we expect/require/receive better products from the many manufacturers in our industry.

Form may not make money currently which imo would make him a saint for his time and effort. However my suggestion is he compile his research to write a book or series of books. This imo could help fund the “next level” of impartial testing/standards and truly shake the industry. Not 💯 sure but possibly could be done anonymously if that’s an issue. I also agree data can come from anywhere regardless of where Form came from or currently does for profession.. if it’s accurate, repeatable, and relevant testing it can’t easily be refuted.

Not trying to take anything away from the shoot2hunt group. I think it’s great business that Ryan benefits and supports Form and others using his forum to pass on their findings. I also think it’s great that UM runs with Forms ideas and is creating superior products. All of you have encouraged me to shoot more number 1. As well as thinking more critically on future purchases and their designs/feature. Thank you all for what you have done currently and are working on for the future of the sport.

Trust but verify!
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