How are you cleaning? Jag and patch size?


Feb 28, 2021
I have been cleaning a .30 cal. barrel with a .270 Jag and 2" patch. I still feel like it is too tight and at times the jag is riding on the rifling. Sometimes it squeaks and I fear the jag is doing damage. The .30 cal. jag gets stuck instantly. Surely I should not be forcing this thing down there with all my might...

What size jag and patch combo are you real smart guys using? I think that I like the idea of just putting a patch on a brush but I haven't done that much.

Also are you pushing the patch from bore to muzzle and then removing it or brushing back and forth multiple swipes? When I was a kid I was told to only brush one direction but I'm not sure that is important, I see F-class shooters going back and forth.

Whats the best cleaning setup?
I'm a no ice but I use one size smaller bag and cut my patches in half. I do not pull them back through, I remove the patch at the muzzle before retrieving the stick. I'm looking forward to reading what others say because I need to learn, been lazy all my life with barrel cleaning.
I buy the big shot gun cleaning patches I think they are 2x2 and cut them to the size I like. Most 6mm-30 cal it is one cut in half so it’s probably a 1x2 rectangle.
22 cal I cut in half again so 1x1
These are the regular hoppes patches. Never had luck with the fancier ones.
And I use the same jag as bore size.
I use the appropriate size jag, then take what I know is an oversized patch like BRTreedos said. Cut/trim it until it fits snug but not so much I’m not forcing it. Then measure patch and order a bunch at the appropriate size. I don’t remember size off hand. I find the general .30 cal patch doesn’t fit like you mentioned.

I go back and forth couple times, let it soak then use several dry patches, then wet patch and repeat until my dry patch is clean.
I use TCS jags as they have o-rings to hold the patch tight to the barrel. My only gripe is they don’t have a pin sticking out so they can be tough to get aligned with the patch some time. Clean breach to muzzle, one direction only.
I don't clean anymore for the most part. If I did I would soak a nylon bore brush with Boretech eliminator and scrub it back and forth about 50 strokes, dry patch out the barrel with a smaller jag or a patch loop that is snug but not squeaky tight, and then send a couple patches soaked with alcohol to wipe the chamber and down the bore.
Many competitive shooters are scrubbing because it’s quicker if you need to clean all at once. Bench guys are scrubbing because they are cleaning in between groups.

I have all but stopped scrubbing and overall cleaning time has gone way up, but the time I have a hand on the cleaning rod is cut in half. Run a soaked patch on a nylon brush through once and let it sit ten minutes to give chemicals time to work. One more wet patch and wait. Repeat until carbon is out, then switch to copper remover. Finish with an oiled patch then a few dry patches. Maybe chuck a short rod and bronze brush in a drill to scrub out a stubborn carbon ring, but that’s the only time I use bronze anymore.
I use one caliber smaller out of this shitty little kit I have and patches that are a little too large.

I wouldn't worry about the jag hurting the bore. Its brass. It banging around a little is way easier on the rifling than a solid copper bullet that's being engraved and shoved down at 3000fps by a bunch of superheated gas.