What’s going on with the Factory Hornady 7 PRC ammo?????

I shot the Federal 170 gr terminal ascent, Federal 175 ELDX, and Hornady 175 ELDX today and recorded the average speeds with my Garmin chronograph. I shot 12 rounds of each load. All three grouped well. I was shooting them through a Fierce Mountain Reaper 24” barrel with a suppressor. Velocities are as follows:

Federal 170 gr Terminal Ascent: 3,005 fps
Std Dev: 7.1
Federal 175 gr ELDX: 2,962 fps
Std Dev: 9.0
Hornady 175 gr ELDX: 2,923 fps
Std Dev: 9.3

When breaking in my barre I used the Hornady ELDX and was getting inconsistent velocities with wide spreads, but the average was 2,903 if I remember correctly. I believe the barrel has now sped up a little.


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I shot the Federal 170 gr terminal ascent, Federal 175 ELDX, and Hornady 175 ELDX today and recorded the average speeds with my Garmin chronograph. I shot 12 rounds of each load. All three grouped well. I was shooting them through a Fierce Mountain Reaper 24” barrel with a suppressor. Velocities are as follows:

Federal 170 gr Terminal Ascent: 3,005 fps
Std Dev: 7.1
Federal 175 gr ELDX: 2,962 fps
Std Dev: 9.0
Hornady 175 gr ELDX: 2,923 fps
Std Dev: 9.3

When breaking in my barre I used the Hornady ELDX and was getting inconsistent velocities with wide spreads, but the average was 2,903 if I remember correctly. I believe the barrel has now sped up a little.

Was this a new box of Hornady ELDX? Seems like we should start tracking lot numbers for the Hornady. I know I have a couple that suck.
Was this a new box of Hornady ELDX? Seems like we should start tracking lot numbers for the Hornady. I know I have a couple that suck.
Good idea. All my boxes were bought last year when the ammo first became available.

Lot #3230169: 1 box averaged 2,923 fps. I just shot 5 rounds from a second box with the same lot number and it averaged 2,925 fps.

Lot# 3230596: Averaged 2,903 fps with velocities ranging from 2,891-2,947 fps.


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Good idea. All my boxes were bought last year when the ammo first became available.

Lot #3230169: 1 box averaged 2,923 fps. I just shot 5 rounds from a second box with the same lot number and it averaged 2,925 fps.

Lot# 3230596: Averaged 2,903 fps with velocities ranging from 2,891-2,947 fps.
Thanks for sharing. Barrel length?
When breaking in my barre I used the Hornady ELDX and was getting inconsistent velocities with wide spreads, but the average was 2,903 if I remember correctly. I believe the barrel has now sped up a little.
Those are great numbers, it's not uncommon to have erratic velocities on a new barrel. I had a Tikka barrel that calmed down over 20fps with the same hand load after 120rds. It's almost as if your barrel matches the Hornady test barrel length and is broken in, the box numbers are right on par :unsure:. I think people need to ease up on Hornady for the 7 PRC factory ammo, dropping it during a worldwide shit show and component shortage was not optimal, but they seem to be trying the best they can with supporting their cartridges.
Those are great numbers, it's not uncommon to have erratic velocities on a new barrel. I had a Tikka barrel that calmed down over 20fps with the same hand load after 120rds. It's almost as if your barrel matches the Hornady test barrel length and is broken in, the box numbers are right on par :unsure:. I think people need to ease up on Hornady for the 7 PRC factory ammo, dropping it during a worldwide shit show and component shortage was not optimal, but they seem to be trying the best they can with supporting their cartridges.
I agree. It hits the sweet spot for people like me. I no longer reload and primarily archery hunt. It gives me the perks of what the 7 mag with heavy bullets is capable of, but in factory ammunition. Hornady should’ve been up front if they’re having issues with securing powder for their ammo etc, but these velocities are right where I’d like for them to be with this particular bullet.
Is there any evidence that any of this power swapping and QC issues are impacting other cartridges? I'm near needing another case of Match for my 6.5 PRC.
Is there any evidence that any of this power swapping and QC issues are impacting other cartridges? I'm near needing another case of Match for my 6.5 PRC.
I think it’s happening for sure, the question is if the alternate powder is preforming as good or not. Very variable but I have a 6.5 PRC as well and I am getting box stayed velocities out of my 26in barrel. Now those are stayed for 24 so they are under performing slightly but much better than the 7PRC ammo that is 150-200 under.
Just saw that Nosler announced a loading for the 7 PRC. Can't deny what the market's looking for!
Not sure if anyone else has tried the nosler but my gun hated it, was out again today to do some more shooting and picked a box up to try. Hornady eldm averaged 2797 fps with a .736 moa 5 shot group and the Nosler while quite a bit faster at 2938 fps averaged a 4.08 moa 5 shot group.
Was able to get out with a Chrono today and do some testing. My Bergara 7prc carbon Ridge with 22inch barrel and SR 4port brake loved Federals 170g terminal ascents and check out the Velocity, extreme spread, and standard deviation. I only had 1 box as it was a test purchase but it grouped great as you can tell. Once I zeroed it I took it out to 500 and it was still money.

It didn’t shoot the ELDXs well but I also added the chrono from that.


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Is there any evidence that any of this power swapping and QC issues are impacting other cartridges? I'm near needing another case of Match for my 6.5 PRC.
Good luck, your going to need it.
Any Lot numbers that start with 3220000 around the time the they switch to their own blend powder suck and run 60-70fps slower and dont group. The newer Lots mid 323…. and up are still slow but group alittle better. If your willing to swap different weight muzzle brakes you can usually tune you barrel harmonics and tighten up a shitty factory ammo Lot.
horizon venatic prc Hornady 22 inch barrel averaging 2805fps with 10 rounds down the barrel.

Bought 6 boxes.

This will be the last time I support Hornady.