What's a good public land whitetail state in the midwest?

We (Oklahoma) went from probably the cheapest to one of the most expensive states for out of state deer hunters and it was long overdue. The last increase was 25 years ago. $710 for license and tag for non-resident. Oklahoma's wildlife department is 100% funded by hunters and fisherman. When you have out of state outfitters leasing up 1,000s of acres because non-resident tags are cheap, it's time for a change.

Wish Arkansas would follow suit. We just upped our OoS tag prices last year, but they are still way too cheap. And judging by the amount of Texas tags I see on our public land, they could triple the new price.
Ohio is a good state to hunt in. Only 5% public land, but if you research enough, you will find places to hunt. Wayne National Forest in southern Ohio has a lot of public land available. Ohio has a very long bow season (end of September through beginning of February). With that said, Ohio has the dumbest rifle laws for hunting (straight walled cartridge only - think 350 legend or 450 bushmaster) which is super annoying. Also, gun season brings out the orange army.
I really feel people who say things like you just did are jerks.

Wish Arkansas would follow suit. We just upped our OoS tag prices last year, but they are still way too cheap. And judging by the amount of Texas tags I see on our public land, they could triple the new price.
I'm from Oklahoma and have hunted whitetail on public and private on a lot of different areas of the state. I've also hunted a few spots on public in Kansas. Give me a PM if you need some help and I could point you in the right direction.
Skip the Midwest and come to Georgia and fill your truck full of does and fork horns and hogs. I’ll even give you coordinates for a place to kill everything on public land.

2 bucks
12 does
3 bears
2 turkeys
Unlimited hogs
All the small game you want.

All for about $300 and I welcome nr’s.

It’s actually funny because I have offered this up a dozen times and nobody ever pm’s me. Lol

Being lazy and not using google. What are the deer, bear, and hog season dates in GA?

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Hunt in OK, I liked using OLAP land but they've changed some of how it is hunted. Looks like a lot needs "booked" and I'm not too sure how that part looks yet. Been itching to hunt some public out west north west and see if I can find some mule deer.
Skip the Midwest and come to Georgia and fill your truck full of does and fork horns and hogs. I’ll even give you coordinates for a place to kill everything on public land.

2 bucks
12 does
3 bears
2 turkeys
Unlimited hogs
All the small game you want.

All for about $300 and I welcome nr’s.

It’s actually funny because I have offered this up a dozen times and nobody ever pm’s me. Lol
I'm curious, but can't seem to send you a message.
Michigan has public land galore and is practically paying people to shoot does! We're allowing 10 tags per hunter at this time, but only the first one you buy is good for harvesting antlers.

I don't know how much luck you'd have with spot-and-stalk, though, since the prevailing method in this section of the country is still hunting in the woods or field edges.

Between bow and rifle, you can hunt from Oct 1 through Jan 31 in some counties.
Skip the Midwest and come to Georgia and fill your truck full of does and fork horns and hogs. I’ll even give you coordinates for a place to kill everything on public land.

2 bucks
12 does
3 bears
2 turkeys
Unlimited hogs
All the small game you want.

All for about $300 and I welcome nr’s.

It’s actually funny because I have offered this up a dozen times and nobody ever pm’s me. Lol
I volunteer as tribute!

PM incoming.
Skip the Midwest and come to Georgia and fill your truck full of does and fork horns and hogs. I’ll even give you coordinates for a place to kill everything on public land.

2 bucks
12 does
3 bears
2 turkeys
Unlimited hogs
All the small game you want.

All for about $300 and I welcome nr’s.

It’s actually funny because I have offered this up a dozen times and nobody ever pm’s me. Lol
I'm in Florida. I'll take those coordinates. Lol
Love all the Midwesterns clam up tighter than a ducks ass when a guy from out west starts snooping around for white tail info… hahahaha but if you don’t tell them the unit and drainage to chase a bull in your a jerk…. Ummm yeah okay
Cause I know better than to waste my time hunting public in wi during gun deer. You western boys don’t know pressure like seeing 6 trucks hunting 1 40

OP I’d do wi and come with a cross bow first week of November. Pretend it’s a gun.

Stay away from the northern third and enjoy doe tags for cheap.
I hunt on some decent public land in Illinois, but it's kind of a big pain in the ass to get access to spots. Thankfully I know some people who help with that.