What would you rather have?


Jan 17, 2018
St. Joseph, Missouri
Vortex Diamondback 10 x 42 and Viper HD 15-45 x 65 Spotter or a pair of Viper HD 10 x 42's for going out west? This will be my first time for antelope and will eventually do mule deer and or elk. I doubt in my life time I'm going to pick apart an animal to know if its a 75" or 80" or 180" or 200."

Right now I have the Diamondbacks and the Spotter. Looking to possibly trade the spotting scope for the viper binos then sell the diamondbacks to a buddy.
Viper Bino's in my opinion. With those viper's you'll be able to discern antler/horn size at a decent enough distance. Vipers are nice bino to boot. Not alpha glass by any means, but clear for their price. Maybe try the Maven Optic's demo program on the antelope hunt? Check their website for details on that.
If it's big open country, you'll want a spotter. The Viper is pretty good. I have one myself.

I would see if you can get your hands on the Maven C1 bino. It will greatly outperform Diamondback and noticeably outperform the Viper binos. The Mavens are great glass for the money. I've compared them in the field with Diamondbacks.
It's been mentioned multiple times above but I think you should look into the Maven Demo program. Like justabirdwatcher said, glass is a long-term investment and I think it pays itself back time and time again