What would you do for free gear?

It seems that many people on this site are pretty hard on people who are making a living in the industry. Comments about being a sell-out to the highest bidder are thrown around regularly. BUT how many of us would do the exact same thing if we were in that situation?

I'm sure many would admit they would do it but others say no way, not them.

Well, an interesting thread has started in the backpacking forum. A brand new company, with no credibility presented, has released "arguably the best new pack around". They have asked for roksliders thoughts on this almost $600 pack. After 5 pages the majority of comments are very positive praising the good design and features. Uncharacteristically of the internet, there is little to no criticism. Hmm? must be a great design with great info and strong testimonials for a brand new product to receive this kind of welcome on Rokslide.

Here's the catch, The company is giving away a free pack to someone who comments in that thread. I feel like everyone is giving a positive comment so it increases their chance of receiving the free pack. Money talks right?

it could be that everyone is in a good mood and giving this brand new company the benefit of the doubt but I think the free pack is influencing the majority of the comments.
I posted on the thread that it looks nice or something to that affect (that’s my honest 2 minute opinion on what I saw).

I normally would not have posted anything. Since I have no plan on buying a pack right now.

I could not imagine posting criticism for a product I have never seen or touched without some real world second hand experience from people I know and trust personally, unless there was something glaringly wrong with it…

So I think what you are seeing is many people posting something vanilla that would otherwise be silent.

I just don’t see most guys who would have something negative to say to not say it for the ‘chance’ to win an unknown untested made in China product…

From what I have seen most guys on here are candid to a fault and can’t help themselves.

But idk…
My two cents is that initial thoughts, whether positive or negative are about as valuable as what I'm paying for them ($0.00). I don't think anyone's putting any weight into those posts in terms of evaluating the pack, and I don't see a problem with it.

I'm looking forward to the first cliff test though.
Id rather save my luck for the mountain, ive never won anything like this in my whole life it seems. I dont want to win it, not sure what id do with it anyway, i already have my old chinese kuiu that i loan out to friends that come hunt with me lol
I went over there and looked it over because I read about it in this thread. Asked a few questions I had. But then a quick Google search found the frame listed on Alibaba so I lost interest. I currently use a Stone Glacier Solo, so not really looking for a pack.

I went over there and looked it over because I read about it in this thread. Asked a few questions I had. But then a quick Google search found the frame listed on Alibaba so I lost interest. I currently use a Stone Glacier Solo, so not really looking for a pack.

Wow thats crazy lol
Wow thats crazy lol
Fairly common for companies to use these kinds of setups where they pick a product, spec a few changes here and there, have a logo sewn on, and then sell as a unique product. I just lost interest given the reality of the manufacturing and design coupled with the price tag. Wrong price point in my opinion.
Based on the facts presented by the company and the company asking for Rokslider's thoughts I expected more scrutinity from the crowd here. I think the fact that a free pack is offered to one of the comments is the reason why so few people are willing to scrutinize what's presented by the company.

So my point is that I think people were not willing to offer their honest first opinions for fear of losing out on a chance to get the pack. I don't think everyone is thinking this way but just what stood out to me overall when reading the thread.

I fully believe that whoever receives that pack will give an honest review of it.
I wouldn’t want that pack, I have a couple solid American made pack systems I know, like, and trust… I don’t want an overpriced overseas pack for free or otherwise, because free I would feel obligated to review it, and I would start with a bias.

The one overseas pack I own is a MR pop up, it was priced accordingly and brought something truly different that nobody else offers… I think they have now gone the wrong way on the concept, but I have the one model they discontinued, which I think is the one that utilizes the concept the best… cool little pack, and no American made company offers anything similar… I wish they would, I would buy it.

I wouldn’t go out of my way to get anything free, I don’t want to feel like I owe anyone anything, even if that thing was a positive review of their product… I assume buy things and be as honest as I can from my perspective for my use.

I value non bias reviews, so it’s only fair to add to them or be a hypocrite.

The things I have got free over the years have been no strings attached, some from appreciating my honest feedback, and some wanting my opinion of something, good or bad… that type of free stuff is cool, anything else I assume buy
Fairly common for companies to use these kinds of setups where they pick a product, spec a few changes here and there, have a logo sewn on, and then sell as a unique product. I just lost interest given the reality of the manufacturing and design coupled with the price tag. Wrong price point in my opinion.
Lets just slap a WKR patch on it instead of a bison then and sell it for less haha
Anyone who's spent more than 2 weeks in the backcounty knows that you DIY and modify the shit out your gear to suit what you want. When I buy gear I buy what needs the least mods. Why sell my integrity for something I will modify anyway?
"What would you do for free gear?"

Well, if it was exactly what I wanted, and the only thing I had to do was provide the specifications (model, size, color, etc.) of what I wanted......then I suppose I would use the free gear. (I thought that's what Christmas was for.....)

So, who is providing the free gear, and where do I send the specifications of what I want? (Kowa spotting scope, Hoyt bow, couple of Tikka's, nightforce scopes, whatever else comes to mind....)

As far as signing up for some promotional information, providing my email address, "liking" a video, giving out my phone number, "subscribing" to something, using someone's "discount code at checkout" - no, I am not doing any of that. PASS.
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If it’s anything like the kuiu frame I had, the true value will be obvious mid September when that carbon frame squeaks so loud it’s calling in bulls just walking… you turn into the bull that only chuckles, and never stops
My experience exactly. Cant pack weight above 50lbs comfortably with my kuiu
Id rather save my luck for the mountain, ive never won anything like this in my whole life it seems. I dont want to win it, not sure what id do with it anyway, i already have my old chinese kuiu that i loan out to friends that come hunt with me lol
I’m the same way, I have terrible luck… I never win anything either, and think gambling is ludicrous (knowing my luck) one less habit.

Like drawing a tag, I don’t have high hopes unless my draw odds are over 90% (which is actually 50% in my world, haha)

That’s ok though, don’t have to worry about wasting money on lottery or at the casino… if I want to throw money away, i will start browsing blackovis or something (lately ammoseek)
So, it's a 88 dollar frame (min purchase of 5 frames) available from Alibaba with a different bag?

It’s not even 88 bucks


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