What will Meateater buy next??

Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
First I heard of the FL crew supporting BLM. I have nothing but good thoughts about Steve And what he does for hunting and, the way he does it. I think he’d be one cool guy to hang out with.

However, I refuse to even entertain something like the BLM movement. To do so is weak minded because everyone I know. realize life is equal and doesn’t require special interests involving grace or gender. I think a very vast majority of America feels the same so it requires no explanation. I’ll never buy anything from FL because of that.
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
Personally I think they should fix all the qc issues with the clothing they sell... It’s like a crapshoot buying from them because you never know what size you’re going to get even though it’s labeled large it may be a medium or maybe an extra large either way it’s guaranteed to fall apart after the first use...

THIS! The clothing now represents Steve, Cal, and MeatEater. I'd personally beat the shit out of any designers at FL who brought me crappy gear. It should be the best in the business, having two actual hard core hunters/trapper in charge. Quality first. People will pay for quality. We'll leave in droves is stuff sucks ass, and it's already started.

Bottom line is that Steve carries a lot of responsibility. As someone who enjoys his shows and his apparent philosophy of doing what's right, I expect that to apply to his clothing lines as well. For those prices, I expect the best quality materials and workmanship. Would love to see some start being made in the USA as well. Somehow companies like FF, WM, SO, Kifaru are able to do this and still make money.


Jun 21, 2018
However, I refuse to even entertain something like the BLM movement. To do so is weak minded because everyone I know. realize life is equal and doesn’t require special interests involving grace or gender. I think a very vast majority of America feels the same so it requires no explanation. I’ll never buy anything from FL because of that.

I commend you on your self proclaimed compassion towards others but for you to believe that the “vast majority or America” isn’t prejudice is just blasphemy. Look at the post above with 20 something “likes” that shows just a slight amount of hate towards others and you’ll see the problem. I’m not the guy out marching with BLM or other protests but I do realize there are plenty of people that do not respect the lives of others as they do their own.

I enjoy the ME production stuff and feel Rinella, Janis and O’Cal do a lot of good things for the hunting and conservation communities. I’m not ready to sell my “fan boy” Sitka gear for FL though!

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Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
ME recently acquired FHF in addition to First Lite. Some higher ups at FL apparently posted blacked out pics awhile back, suggesting support of or for BLM directly or indirectly. Some folks who hunt are also snowflakes and get triggered at any opinion different from their own and then blame Steven Rinella personally for America’s decline, so here we are, apparently trying to guess how the evil empire otherwise known as MeatEater will divide and concur the hunting community with a subversive, ultra left wind agenda that will ultimately end all hunting.

At this point, don’t be surprised if Steve Rinella takes over singing duties for Rage Against the Machine, FHF gear starts sewing Chinese flags, the North Korean army starts wearing FL gear and MeatEater content becomes focused on the production of soy.

haha you play Rage at a pint night and hair buns would be exploding. Reel big fish is probably a better bet.


Jun 16, 2020
Even on a hunting forum a harmless question turns into a debate about political ideology. Gotta love 2020. I truly hope there are not this many people that would refuse to buy from a company because they have a different view point than their own. particularly something as harmless as posting a picture on a social idiocracy site. QC issues on the other hand are something to actually talk about.


Mar 24, 2016
First I heard of the FL crew supporting BLM. I have nothing but good thoughts about Steve And what he does for hunting and, the way he does it. I think he’d be one cool guy to hang out with.

However, I refuse to even entertain something like the BLM movement. To do so is weak minded because everyone I know. realize life is equal and doesn’t require special interests involving grace or gender. I think a very vast majority of America feels the same so it requires no explanation. I’ll never buy anything from FL because of that.

If you listen closely to Steve on the podcast, I think he is way more conservative than just about everyone else on the team. And I would predict voting-wise he lives in a split household.


Mar 24, 2016
Same here. Bought it in 1980.

I gave my brother a Buck Titanium folder he still uses. I use an original Gerber exchange-a-blade from 1985 I got for Christmas. Says “First Production Run” on the blade.

Both still work.... ;-)


Oct 20, 2019
My grandfather gave me a folding buck knife for Christmas when I was around 16. Been in the pack ever since. Every deer I’ve ever cleaned has been with that knife. And more squirrels than I’d ever try to count.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
First I heard of the FL crew supporting BLM. I have nothing but good thoughts about Steve And what he does for hunting and, the way he does it. I think he’d be one cool guy to hang out with.

However, I refuse to even entertain something like the BLM movement. To do so is weak minded because everyone I know. realize life is equal and doesn’t require special interests involving grace or gender. I think a very vast majority of America feels the same so it requires no explanation. I’ll never buy anything from FL because of that.

Wow, quite the dichotomy here lately.

Idea! ----> Maybe the pro-Sitka Gear soyboys and Meateater tribe can all head to ANWR and protest for BLM and solar panels. Wonder if Fairbanks "ACE RENTA-CAR" has Chevy Volts for the Haul Road.
'Course it's a long way from Prudhoe station one to ANWR, bring plenty of bug dope and ace wraps, that muskeg is a mean mf'er.