What vanes do you all use?

I just switched from max stealths to EZ Vanes, the ones I got are almost the same profile as the max stealth and have almost the same POI at 80 yards with broadheads they are just slightly lighter. I'm a huge fan so far and I can have them installed and shooting in about 2 minutes. With my glue-in points, I can cut, square, wrap and fletch an arrow in about 5 minutes and be shooting.
Switched to ez-vanes in a four fletch. Couldn’t be more pleased. Pulled one through a target yesterday and seems no worse for the wear. I’ll not be going back to regular fletching. I think I spent more time getting the logo off the shafts than setting the vanes and points.
Yeah, these are awesome, I noticed I recommended the 4FL5's back in 2022 on this thread and I'm still using them with zero problems.
Yeah, these are awesome, I noticed I recommended the 4FL5's back in 2022 on this thread and I'm still using them with zero problems.
I went with the 4FP65s. Kicking myself for not going with this when I first discovered them. Do wish I could order a sample of a few different ones to test, but that’s ok. These work, may be better options, but don’t think I’ll find out 😂. Between these and glue ins it couldn’t be easier.
AAE Max stealth vanes. Have not seen any difference between 3 and 4 fletch configuration. I am not good enough of a shot to make a difference lol.
I’ve been using AAE hybrid 26s for a couple years, just got some 3” bohning x3 to try out. So far I’m really liking these, they *may be a touch quieter, certainly no louder, and they group as well if not better than the hybrids for me. They’re made with the heat material, so I’m hoping they’ll hold up better than the hybrids.

The easy fletch vanes are intriguing-if/when I try another vane I think I’ll give those a shot.
Looking to get another Doz arrows to build up for September and WA curious what size and type of vanes do you all use? And also do you use a 3 fletch or 4 fletch and do you see a difference in the two?

I havw used AAE Plastifletch vanes for a while but they are the shorter 2.375"
Thinking of going to the 2.875" but unsure on 3 fletch or 4

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Q2ii fusion II 3". Shot them last season and liked them ok. Thinking about trying something else though this year myself.
Been messing around with the AAE BITZ nob that allows for 4,5,6 fletch and running smaller vanes in a 5 fletch configuration. Using the AAE hybrid 23 seems to fly really well with the different broadheads I use and flyers good in the wind.
I am always fletching and reflecting arrows. I’m always trying out different vanes and broad heads. Right now I am really liking the Bohning Black Sky 2.0/Easton Bully vane. They’re the same thing. It’s a Blazer made of thicker material.

Light weight at about 6 grains each. Very durable. Stick with no special treatments and steer the biggest broadheads easily.
Been messing around with the AAE BITZ nob that allows for 4,5,6 fletch and running smaller vanes in a 5 fletch configuration. Using the AAE hybrid 23 seems to fly really well with the different broadheads I use and flyers good in the wind.
I got the same thing, and the airazr pro were my inspiration, a little too small in a 4 fletch, but 5 of them is going to be perfect

Also have some iron will vanes to try, which I’m sure is a good option for 3 fletch as long as clearance isn’t an issue. Have a fresh dozen arrows and plan on doing them half and half, pick a favorite, and strip the dozen I’m shooting now and re-fletch

Currently shooting the airazr talon, and could be content using them… but I’m never content 😂
Max stealth 3 vane offset. No complaints, but like to tinker so ordered some of the IW vanes to try out.
In my testing 4 vane was diminishing returns with the max stealth, couldn’t tell much difference in stability, added weight to back end and arrow dropped off substantially after 50 yards compared to 3.
I've been using Easy Vanes for over 18 months now and I'll never use anything else. All my mates here are doing the same. I've probably seen close to 100 animals die with them in that short time. Used the 4FP65's exclusively but might go to something a little different with a new arrow build.