What to do with old taxidermy (Clearing out house)

Maybe reach out to Kenny at K&N Consignments in Oklahoma City. I know his store / design team looks for taxidermy occasionally.
Funny story , my moms best friends husband died and it was a similar situation. The dude had been on safari in Africa several times and had a huge trophy room . Moms friend asked if I wanted a badger mount and I said sure! ( thinking it would be an actual badger or some kind of African honey badger ) .
I take delivery of said badger and I’m not sure if I ever laughed harder my whole life ….this might be my favorite piece of taxidermy EAB49AA0-396D-4F0A-AA2B-141CFB6D782A.jpeg
I have provided explicit instructions to my family regarding gear and taxidermy. If they dont care about the money - estate sale. It’s gone and it will be pennies on the dollar. However, if they wish to make some money and spend a little time, I have instructed them to private sale, item by item. Sources would be forum classifieds, gunbroker, eBay…etc. Bars, Sporting good stores and others dont care about quality or appreciate the uniqueness of an animal. Mostly what I see is the taxidermy we all make fun of. I think it just depends on the amount of work you are willing to do, how much money you want to make, and how much there is.
It won’t bring in as much as it cost to begin with, but there is definitely a market for it. If it’s unwanted, and someone has the time, post them on classifieds and get something out of it. Someone out there may enjoy it.
Where do you live? Taxidermy seems to be quite popular in cities with the hipsters. When I lived in Denver, I saw the WORST taxidermy and less than impressive elk antlers selling for quite a bit of coin.

Edgy barber shops, tattoo parlors, hip bars, etc seem to like this stuff.
Coworker friend of mine has a family member cleaning out their house....including her late husband's taxidermy room. No one in the family is interested in taking any of it. Anyone have any leads on selling the lot? He's going to send me pictures and I'll post them here when I get them. He says there is a full bear, a bear rug, caribou, etc...
Great pictures.
Taxidermy is a big deal to the hunter that took the animal. Most families want to throw "that junk" in the garbage once the hunter has passed. Kind of sad to me.
My grandpappy shot a big mule deer with a 35 Remington way before I was born out by buffalo, OK. I wish I could've had it or seen it. You never know some folks down the line might want it. The Texas roadhouse and a lot of restaurants always have these tiny sucky mounts and I always wonder where they come from.

I have pondered what will happen to my stuff if my son's don't want it. I'm not sure I'll want all my dad's stuff wherever he passes.
When my Dad passed away in 13' I told my mom I'd take them off her hands. My BIL sees $ signs on everything so I grabbed all the antlers so they'd have a place to hang.
Coworker friend of mine has a family member cleaning out their house....including her late husband's taxidermy room. No one in the family is interested in taking any of it. Anyone have any leads on selling the lot? He's going to send me pictures and I'll post them here when I get them. He says there is a full bear, a bear rug, caribou, etc...
Yeah I would suggest either speaking with other taxidermists, museums or Auction Houses.