What to do with a burned out rifle barrel

Whats the twist rate and bullet weight?

No way a barrel is burnt after 25 rounds unless he's shooting proof rounds.

You're friend isn't following a reloading manual if this is the case.
Not sure on the twist rate. He had it built to shoot 140 grain bullets but has been shooting 120s.

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Something almost has to be totally screwed up with his reload....whether powder, bullets or primers. Is he an experienced reloader? Need to root out the problem, but doubt it is a "shot out" barrel.

For a powder check, try another powder and chronograph and it. Try another reload or two with the same load.
Verify the scale accuracy by weighing some bullets.
Try to insert a new bullet in the muzzle....should be a very tight fit and he can't push it in to verify .264" bullet and muzzle diameter.
AS per primers, try a different lot or brand of magnum primers.

As per the barrel....push a new .264" brass bristle brush down the barrel and feel for loose spots or spots that snag the brush (carbon?). Should be a snug fit and push fairly hard with a brand new brush with bore cleaner on it. Barrel likely needs cleaning anyway.
I believe that the velocity dropped, but not that it's because of a shot out barrel, unless all of the rifling is missing from the bore and the bullets were actually .257. Most likely your friend loaded the wrong powder and/or the wrong powder charge.

Also, blowing primers at loads in the book is highly abnormal. Pressure shows up a lot earlier than primers blow, and normally book loads don't show pressure at all.

Try to find some factory ammo and see what it does. Every piece of info you've provided so far indicates problems between the ears of the reloader.
I agree, something is wrong with the load. There is no way the barrel is shot out at 25 rounds.

What is the exact load he is using?
I believe that the velocity dropped, but not that it's because of a shot out barrel, unless all of the rifling is missing from the bore and the bullets were actually .257. Most likely your friend loaded the wrong powder and/or the wrong powder charge.

Also, blowing primers at loads in the book is highly abnormal. Pressure shows up a lot earlier than primers blow, and normally book loads don't show pressure at all.

Try to find some factory ammo and see what it does. Every piece of info you've provided so far indicates problems between the ears of the reloader.
Agreed, buy some factory loads, ditch the powder and load data he is using,
buy some 4350, 4831, H-1000 , start ladder testing, working from middle to sweet spot load (2950-3100 140gr)
just my 2ctw
Sounds like someone bought the wrong powder. Some of the powders are similar sounding. Surprisingly he didn’t blow himself up. Only way you could shoot out a barrel that fast & that drastically would be if it was made out of aluminum.

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He should get rid of the rifle, and take up bowhunting. I hope that he doesn't injure himself at some point. It's clear that there is a severe lack of knowledge.

Possible causes of what he is seeing. Severe carbon ring. Severely copper fouled bore. Error in reloading: powder type or charge. Blown primer/expanded primer pocket venting gas (would be REALLY hard not to notice this one). All of these are dangerous conditions so STOP shooting it until a diagnosis is made.

Burned out barrels stop shooting accurately. Thats it. They lose accuracy. They DO NOT do anything else differently. And they lose this accuracy over many rounds. Like 200 or more for a hot cartridge. Way more for a more sedate round.

I’ve shot LR comps for years and have never heard of a barrel burning out that quickly from friends or in my own experience and we load them hot. I’d send it back to the manufacturer so they can test the steel properties.
I agree with almost everything said, but note the following:

I have loaded hot but below book max and blown primers. Happened with my .25-06 and had to back off.
Copper fouling takes more than 25-30 rounds and doesn't result in loss of velocity.

Bore scoping should be definitive as to whether it is shot out or not for those who know what to look for (I am not one who does). If shot out and no scope is available, throat erosion should be evident. Use of a COAL tool should show that.

All of these are dangerous conditions so STOP shooting it until a diagnosis is made.
The above is excellent advice. Could save the shooters sight or even his life.
Burned out barrels stop shooting accurately. Thats it. They lose accuracy. They DO NOT do anything else differently. And they lose this accuracy over many rounds. Like 200 or more for a hot cartridge. Way more for a more sedate round.


Yeah this would make sense. Hopefully i aint confusing anyone, just trying to help him figure this out. I got the chance to talk with him again and I think we got it figured out.

He shot a 6.5-300 thru his chrono today and it also read around 2100 so it isnt the gun after all. As far as it hitting low, could that come from overloading the case with powder. Using us869 and 76 grains the bullet didnt have much spare room seat with the casing being filled with powder. Wonder if that affected drop or if the powder couldnt burn all.

We'll test again tomorrow and make sure the chrono is accurate. If it shoots poorly then he'll definitely get it bore-scoped and checked by a local gunsmith.

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Thanks for all the responses and help. Sorry i havent been able to answer all the questions either. Ill make sure to add an update once we figure out exactly whats going on.

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Yeah this would make sense. Hopefully i aint confusing anyone, just trying to help him figure this out. I got the chance to talk with him again and I think we got it figured out.

He shot a 6.5-300 thru his chrono today and it also read around 2100 so it isnt the gun after all. As far as it hitting low, could that come from overloading the case with powder. Using us869 and 76 grains the bullet didnt have much spare room seat with the casing being filled with powder. Wonder if that affected drop or if the powder couldnt burn all.

We'll test again tomorrow and make sure the chrono is accurate. If it shoots poorly then he'll definitely get it bore-scoped and checked by a local gunsmith.

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it's the chrono.