What to do with a burned out rifle barrel

Something almost has to be totally screwed up with his reload....whether powder, bullets or primers. Is he an experienced reloader? Need to root out the problem, but doubt it is a "shot out" barrel.

For a powder check, try another powder and chronograph and it. Try another reload or two with the same load.
Verify the scale accuracy by weighing some bullets.
Try to insert a new bullet in the muzzle....should be a very tight fit and he can't push it in to verify .264" bullet and muzzle diameter.
AS per primers, try a different lot or brand of magnum primers.

As per the barrel....push a new .264" brass bristle brush down the barrel and feel for loose spots or spots that snag the brush (carbon?). Should be a snug fit and push fairly hard with a brand new brush with bore cleaner on it. Barrel likely needs cleaning anyway.

Scales should be verified with check weights. There is too much actual weight variance from bullet to bullet to use them to verify the scale.
Scales should be verified with check weights. There is too much actual weight variance from bullet to bullet to use them to verify the scale.
Bob, in the specific case of the original poster talking about a 1300 fps velocity variable I think checking his scale with a few bullets to ensure it isn’t off 50% or whatever is a valid recommendation. We aren’t talking about precision, just attempting to find something way off. Which of course turned out to be the chronograph. Have a good one.
be cautious when blaming the chrono. i know a guy that sent one back and they confirmed there was nothing wrong with the chrono. i see guys blame chronos often and i am pretty sure they are making up excuses. test carefully, just because 2 dont agree does not mean you can choose the one you want to be right as the good one.
I think the type of chrono is important, as well as how it is set up. The type that operate off of light sensors are prone to errors in my experience and are temperamental. Being too close with large rifles can cause errors, not enough light or too much.

If there was truly a 1300 fps difference from round to round it would feel very different. Just going up 200 fps while developing loads I can feel a difference.

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Reads like someone doesn’t know much about firearms, shooting and reloading
Might be better off to stick with off the shelf ammo
Something does not track. Says followed bbl break in then says only 25-30 rounds shot and then a impossible drop in velocity and buddy is loading really hot. None of it makes sense. If it is the case I would send that bbl back I would talk to who ever built this high end custom gun. I would also learn how to reload from some one that knows what they are doing
There is no way it burnt out after 25 rounds. If it was that hot it most likely would have blown the primers out and or split the barrel. He should try cleaning it first and getting the crude out of it. Might be unburnt powder and copper fouled if he was running hot. Could have burnt the rifling but not sure that is the case. Do you have access to a Boresight. Take a look down the barrel.
Run a bore sight down it and see if there is fouling. No way the barrel is shot out at 25 rounds, not even broke in at that point. Might be a powder charge error too. Try disassembly of one round and reweigh powder