What thumb release is everyone using for hunting?

I have a scott sigma and B3 omega pro that I carry hunting also have a Carter wise choice and ultraview thumb button the Carter is the only one i can't get to my preferred weight every time I do it breaks and costs me $40 to fix it
Stan Onnex click, yes I like the stupidity. It is like a set trigger for me. That said I have shot the UV button. Kind of picky on the draw position and you defnitely need to draw with most of the weight on pointer and ring finger. If not, the d loop can slip (happened 2x to me) through the fingers. Once I figured that out it was fine. I also have a Carter insatiable that works well, although it's an older release. Oh, the UV has a really long neck, whereas the Onnex is much shorter, more compact and it comes with all the accessories. It also has a pin that locks the sear and keeps it from firing if you want to do drills with it. Probably has the best sear of any release I have used. Very crisp and very little travel.
I have a scott sigma and B3 omega pro that I carry hunting also have a Carter wise choice and ultraview thumb button the Carter is the only one i can't get to my preferred weight every time I do it breaks and costs me $40 to fix it
Are you trying to set them heavy or light? The only complaint I’ve have with my wise choice is wishing I could adjust it heavier
Truball Goat in hinge mode. What I love so much about the Goat is the ability to switch it back and forth from a hinge to a thumb button and vice versa, without it changing feel or anchor points. I carry two of them, one in each mode, but 98% of the time I’m shooting it in hinge mode.
Truball Goat in hinge mode. What I love so much about the Goat is the ability to switch it back and forth from a hinge to a thumb button and vice versa, without it changing feel or anchor points. I carry two of them, one in each mode, but 98% of the time I’m shooting it in hinge mode.
What other hinges have you tried? I really like the goat as a thumb, but thought it was terrible as a hinge...
Lighter i run my thumb button super light and the Carter cannot go as light as the other releases so I let other people use it I tried twice and it broke twice
What other hinges have you tried? I really like the goat as a thumb, but thought it was terrible as a hinge...
Honestly too many to list. I’ve owned probably four dozen or more hinges at one time or another, including just about every one Truball has made the last 10 years. I’ve heard a number of people say they didn’t like the Goat as a hinge but I absolutely love it, so maybe I’m the weird one lol. But it works for me so that’s all that matters.