You won't regret it. The quality and performance are worth it.
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It delivered last night, I shot some arrows with it this morning after my morning workout. I did a bunch of pushups between rowing intervals, so my arms were pretty shaky...
I had a Hoyt 8" pro series, which was pretty good. I am shooting a Prime Rize, which has been the most dead in hand, solid bow I have shot in my couple of years shooting bows. I couldn't tell that it made it any quieter, but the Rize is already damn quiet. I already had zero hand vibration, so no noticeable improvement/difference there. I shot about 10 shots with the hoyt stabilizer, then screwed in the TAP, and I could tell a little difference in pin float - the bow settled much quicker, and even though I was kinda shaky, I was maybe a 1/2" more accurate at 30 yards than I was with the hoyt.
Long story short, for $90, its slightly more (+$20) than what the hoyt pro series 8" cost me, I would buy one again. It also looks pretty sweet and is unique - i've never seen one at a 3D shoot or the range...
I will shoot it some more this weekend out to 50-60-70 yards and see what happens there, especially when my arms and back are more fresh.
Also, the customer service was impeccable...I had an email from the owner Sam, thanking me for my purchase, then an email within an hour after that with tracking saying it was on its way.