What public land in a state/ area would you like to hunt?

Cashed in 6 years of points to hunt Iowa this fall. Excited to finally get to experience a Midwest rut. Will be hunting October 28 - Nov 12.
Man, I now have 5 points for IA. I thought for sure I'd get drawn this year. I'd love to hear about your experience. I am on the fence of hiring a guide. IF everything goes well a few of us are heading to MT next year for Elk. That might be an overload to hunt both MT & IA without support. I never hunted either.
Man, I now have 5 points for IA. I thought for sure I'd get drawn this year. I'd love to hear about your experience. I am on the fence of hiring a guide. IF everything goes well a few of us are heading to MT next year for Elk. That might be an overload to hunt both MT & IA without support. I never hunted either.
Man, have to say, if it was a choice between a DIY MT or Iowa hunt, well.....call me of the "head west, young man!" school. Hope you can go both. Good luck either way.
I’ll be honest. I prefer to hunt mountains. Midwest had big deer but it doesn’t have mountains. I’m more about the hunt than the size.
I live in Greenville SC. I started to gauge my hunts based on experience and having fun. Sounds cliche but there's something to be said about just having a great time with good dudes. I've hunted the bottom of WV for years! I shot a ok 10 pt last fall. after 6 seasons of getting skunked, it was the best tasting deer ever!
I'm heading to CO for OTC in mid sept. it's amazing. I almost connected last year.
I live in Greenville SC. I started to gauge my hunts based on experience and having fun. Sounds cliche but there's something to be said about just having a great time with good dudes. I've hunted the bottom of WV for years! I shot a ok 10 pt last fall. after 6 seasons of getting skunked, it was the best tasting deer ever!
I'm heading to CO for OTC in mid sept. it's amazing. I almost connected last year.
Nice. San Juan forest?
I'm curious if there's any state or area you'd like to hunt. Public land.

I didn't get drawn for IA. I'm thinking of going back to PA to hunt. I love traveling to hunt new states and areas. I Live in SC.
If anyone is curious, I decided to hunt whitetail in Potter County PA.
We have a fishing camp there. I've hunted here before. I like to hunt different areas for the experience. My dad is in his late 60s so it should be fun. He doesn't go out much anymore, I'll have a nice hot supper ready for me. I talked my work into letting me work remotely for 4 weeks. I need to come back so my badge doesn't expire. I'm just hoping I'll have a decent internet connection.
I'm hunting Elk in CO so I should get my adventure fix then.
I live in Greenville SC. I started to gauge my hunts based on experience and having fun. Sounds cliche but there's something to be said about just having a great time with good dudes. I've hunted the bottom of WV for years! I shot a ok 10 pt last fall. after 6 seasons of getting skunked, it was the best tasting deer ever!
I'm heading to CO for OTC in mid sept. it's amazing. I almost connected last year.
I keep threatening to try the archery only counties. I just get so hung up on what m chasing in WNC.
I live in Greenville SC. I started to gauge my hunts based on experience and having fun. Sounds cliche but there's something to be said about just having a great time with good dudes. I've hunted the bottom of WV for years! I shot a ok 10 pt last fall. after 6 seasons of getting skunked, it was the best tasting deer ever!
I'm heading to CO for OTC in mid sept. it's amazing. I almost connected last year.
what county ya hunt in? I am originally from MCdowell and will be hunting down there some this year
I would love to hunt a Michigan Upper Peninsula old time deer camp on public land. Complete with a wall tent, 30-30, red and black wool plaid and a camp deer tag to eat venison while everyone was in camp.
The problem is because of lots of wolves and horrible winters there aren’t many deer in the
U. P. anymore.
I have a photo of my grandfather dressed in plaid with his 30-30 standing next to a buck and a doe he shot. Way Cool!
I would love to hunt a Michigan Upper Peninsula old time deer camp on public land. Complete with a wall tent, 30-30, red and black wool plaid and a camp deer tag to eat venison while everyone was in camp.
The problem is because of lots of wolves and horrible winters there aren’t many deer in the
U. P. anymore.
I have a photo of my grandfather dressed in plaid with his 30-30 standing next to a buck and a doe he shot. Way Cool!
My Uncles tell stories about the old school UP deer camps. They didn’t kill a lot of deer but they have great stories.
Not out of state, but have a trip planned to hunt a WMA in GA. WMA borders a lake so going to use the boat for access. Hopefully will have a easy drag down the hill and a short boat ride back to the house.
Since this is specifically about whitetail…anything other than the midwest for a big, mature buck is a wrong answer lol. Some states or areas may have bigger deer, but the Midwest has them everywhere. Any public land timber that butts up to some agg fields on a corn year=$$$$$$
I ain't scared to be wrong.

I grew up not hunting in East Texas, surrounded by guys who wanted to deer hunt the South Texas brush country. It's been a bucket list hunt since then.

Hunting a low fence ranch down there in November.

No interest in a midwest whitetail hunt.