What made you Happy today?

Found this cast iron pot awhile back. Watched a 7 minute video today on YouTube where a 60 somthen year old Texan taught me all I needed to know about cleaning it up. Then decided to clean out the freezer with some year old roast. Life is good.
Married my good friends yesterday. Family came over today, wife and I announced to everyone we are expecting again. I dont know anyone personally on here so I can share that lol. Good thread. Lots to be thankful for.
Congratulations all around. Holy wow that’s a lot going on!
Pushed my 2 girls on the swing for hours on end, played “bat and ball”, played hide-n-go-seek in the back yard and grilled the best pork chops we’ve ever had. Taking them to kindergarten in the morning…nothing better. Certainly soaking in my family time before I soon disappear in the MN woods with my bow
Absolutely everything. Today was the deer opener and despite someone edging me out by minutes to the spot i was planning on, I could care less. Put the miles on in some beautiful country...life is grand.
Not gonna lie though, some unfortunate soul stepping out before end of shooting light would put a little extra polish on her for sure!
Good thread idea.