What made you Happy today?

Came home from a rough night of work. Girlfriend had the Christmas tree lit up and a hot breakfast on the oven. I like colored lights myself… but I’ll take it; regardless Christmas is my favorite holiday.
My duckdog and her chihuahua in bed with me currently
Saw a huge red shouldered hawk hunting in the backyard in the morning and had the biggest barred owl I’ve ever seen in the same exact spot at night!! We’ve been clearing our creek of invasives recently and it’s changing our whole eco system lol.
Yesterday got home from work, went and hit a few golf balls with a Driver my son surprised me with and then went on a two mile walk with my wife and pup. Just nice to come home every once and while and not have a things to do staring you in the face.
My grand daughter just called and told us she has been offered a spot on the University Of the Pacific softball team. This has been her dream school since her freshman year in high school. She will be taking pre dental.
My grand daughter just called and told us she has been offered a spot on the University Of the Pacific softball team. This has been her dream school since her freshman year in high school. She will be taking pre dental
My grand daughter just called and told us she has been offered a spot on the University Of the Pacific softball team. This has been her dream school since her freshman year in high school. She will be taking pre dental.
Here she is. very proud of a very hard working young lady.


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