What made you Happy today?

Pushed my 2 girls on the swing for hours on end, played “bat and ball”, played hide-n-go-seek in the back yard and grilled the best pork chops we’ve ever had. Taking them to kindergarten in the morning…nothing better. Certainly soaking in my family time before I soon disappear in the MN woods with my bow
I think we live in the same MN universe, brother.
Church this morning with my wife and kids, then listening to my oldest daughter tell us about the great time she had last night at homecoming, then getting a text and a call from my nephew that he filled his mentor tag. He was super pumped and after his grandpa I was the next one he had to tell. Great thread man, definitely a great way to recognize and be grateful for things that put a smile on our faces.
Got up had a cup of coffee, went for a 45 min. bike ride. Went to granddaughters 18 U travel ball game they won, she had one hit. Went to grandsons baseball game they destroyed opponents, he got two hit. Life is good.
Just a simple day. I enjoy Sundays when I’m at church and not at work. Church then lunch with my wife’s family up from Florida and then a 2 hour nap. Then just goofing off with the fam and watching football.
Worked all day but things get better around 7PM when I get home. Both kids screaming with excitement, dog barking, and the wife wanting to tell me a million things. :)
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Took my son & lab on a walk this morning.

Middle daughters soccer game mid-day

Training lab from above how to load up in a truck bed afternoon

Grilled bacon wrapped loin & sipping a little bourbon finger crossed the Chefs get a win
It’s awesome to hear everyone having great days. My whole weekend has been good, picked up a new gun on Saturday, still trying to decide on scope and every time I look at my pregnant wife’s belly it makes me smile knowing my son will be here within a month, that makes every day a good day for me!
Great idea for a thread. Life is good and we need to be grateful! I'm in taper week for first rifle elk season next weekend. Yesterday was a 4 mile hike in some beautiful country, today is an off day that included cooking up a couple meals for elk camp and finishing off the garden harvesting.
Spent the day cleaning my truck and packing for a trip to Colorado later this week. My son drew an elk tag for first rifle and I am leaving for KC in the morning. We will drive to Colorado on Thursday and I am his personal guide for the week. Looking forward to a week of hunting with my oldest son.
Opening day of elk season otc rifle hunt in Idaho. Even after yesterday 2 different groups of assholes trying to scare us out of the area we were going to hunt and one group going in today to ruin our morning hunt after they told us they were hunting above and wouldn't be in there. (Normal OTC Idaho public property Hunting so if you're interested be prepared), Despite the normal disrespect. Me dad and stepbrother had a great time. It's fun getting out the backpacking gear and giving it your best effort. It's always great to get out there.
…….2 different groups of assholes trying to scare us out of the area we were going to hunt…….(Normal OTC Idaho public property Hunting so if you're interested be prepared),

I have a buddy that used to live in Salmon and he never mentioned anything like that. Was this a case of some jerks from a bigger town?

Me dad and stepbrother had a great time. It's fun getting out the backpacking gear and giving it your best effort. It's always great to get out there.

Good deal.
Wife is out of town.
Woke up late, made a breakfast sandwich.

Loaded up few rifles, walked into backyard, shot a bunch of ammo.

Fired up the grill, cooked some venison sausages for lunch [a deer that i killed last week].

Life is grand and day is not over.
This is a great thread, thankyou for starting it. It reminds us all to take notice of the simple things in life that make us happy, and sometimes we take for granted. It's very easy to fall prey to all of the negative bullshit that's on tv & social media.