Buck 110 folder, 113 skinner, 105 pathfinder, 119 special, or Vanguard with zipper. One of those. 110 seems to hold an edge the best.
I think the woodsman I have is the 102, it dates back to the 70s. Dad gave it to me a few yrs ago.The 102 Woodsman is a good choice too, a bit smaller than the ones listed above, which are all good choices. For a lot of hunting situations I think the 119 can be a bit big, excellent camp knife though.
Like all of us I have too many. The moraknive's have a nice edge. I think i have 3I used to carry a Buck 110 folder or the Schrade Old Timer (pretty much the same thing).
This year I put a fixed-blade morakniv into the mix, worked really well on an antelope and a muley. Might take the Benchmade out next time, but I'd rather not forget it on the mountain, as it was a gift.
Ontario RAT 2 is the everyday carry since I always lose knives in the field (military).
For big game, I have a bark river that's an amazing knife but I love a simple dexter 6" boning knife. That dexter knife gets real sharp in camp on an electric sharpener and I don't feel bad grinding it down a bit since its cheaper at like $18.