What keeps you from hunting OTC California?

What Keeps you from hunting OTC in California?

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I will do everything in my power to keep every cent I can out of that state’s hands. I refuse to cross their border. I won’t hunt there for the same reasons I won’t do anything there and they have nothing to do with actual hunting.
The archery/ firearm regulation only applies to deer hunting. Carry a Bear tag and you're within your rights to carry a handgun while archery hunting..."Bears".
Actually, I believe that you are more threatened by the 2 legged predators...Illegal growers, Cartels, and tweakers.
From the time I make camp until I head home I wear a 10mm in a chest rig at all times...unless I'm sleeping...then it's under my pillow.
If I told you a novice hunter went into lower mendo nf within A zone and was alone and unarmed, would you think that they'd be at risk of 2 legged predators?
If I told you a novice hunter went into lower mendo nf within A zone and was alone and unarmed, would you think that they'd be at risk of 2 legged predators
Definitely. There's a palpable hate of whites by the Indians. All kinds of crazy stuff happens in that area. Some really nice folks, too. Beautiful country. Used to live in the area and never had a serious problem. Be aware but don't let anxiety ruin your enjoyment. Oh and drink drivers during hunting season with no law enforcement.
Definitely. There's a palpable hate of whites by the Indians. All kinds of crazy stuff happens in that area. Some really nice folks, too. Beautiful country. Used to live in the area and never had a serious problem. Be aware but don't let anxiety ruin your enjoyment. Oh and drink drivers during hunting season with no law enforcement.
hmm. well I guess having to hunt alone in these mountains keeps me
I will do everything in my power to keep every cent I can out of that state’s hands. I refuse to cross their border. I won’t hunt there for the same reasons I won’t do anything there and they have nothing to do with actual hunting.
Wow....."and they have nothing to do with actual hunting."
What does that even mean?
If I told you a novice hunter went into lower mendo nf within A zone and was alone and unarmed, would you think that they'd be at risk of 2 legged predators?
I have never had any problems with people messing with my cars or myself. If I see anyone its a hiker passing through the area. When i lived in texas i had to replace driver side windows twice a year, have not had to replace one yet in 25 years I have been in CA.
It means exactly what it says. My reasons for not crossing into California or giving them a dime of my money, including not hunting are not related to hunting.

I don’t give money to California like I don’t give it to North Korea.
Ohhh, I get it now.
I was confused, given the fact that "politics" has never... in my long lifetime... been a deal breaker (or even remotely considered) when planning a hunting trip.
Thank God.
If it had been, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed all those trips to Canada , Mexico, Argentina , Uruguay, and Africa....as I despise their "politics".
Oh well...to each his own.
Ohhh, I get it now.
I was confused, given the fact that "politics" has never... in my long lifetime... been a deal breaker (or even remotely considered) when planning a hunting trip.
Thank God.
If it had been, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed all those trips to Canada , Mexico, Argentina , Uruguay, and Africa....as I despise their "politics".
Oh well...to each his own.
Enjoy. I refuse to contribute funds to the indoctrination and destruction of the youth.

Guess my morals are more important to me than a tag. We each decide when and if we sell out for a good time, assuming morals are even present to begin with.
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Enjoy. I refuse to contribute funds to the indoctrination and destruction of the youth.

Guess my morals are more important to me than a tag. We each decide when and if we sell out for a good time, assuming morals are even present to begin with.

California is doing ok without your funds. So much so, your state likely benefits from Californias funds so enjoy the welfare

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You could just announce yourself as a child mutilation advocate and skip all the rhetoric.

Sorry I offended your love of a commie state. I’ll do better. Maybe I can buy the book “communism for dummies” with my EBT card.

You got me
Enjoy that card Queen

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Couldn’t pay me to go to that state for anything hunting or non hunting related. Had to go one time in the Marine Corps and it was terrible. Would rather do another 9 months back in the sandbox then ever step foot in that state.
To each their own I guess. I lived in California for 6 years for work. And had some pretty amazing hunts. I bought a lifetime hunting license before I left just so I could continue to hunt areas I had put work in to find with good hunting buddies. Is it the best hunting in the west... no. But I still travel for it...
I'd love to know what area of CA you were hunting in. I'm relatively new here, hunting the D11-13 zones. Really enjoying it but haven't found my groove yet.
California is doing ok without your funds. So much so, your state likely benefits from Californias funds so enjoy the welfare

Sent from my iPhone qq

You could just announce yourself as a child mutilation advocate and skip all the rhetoric.

Sorry I offended your love of a commie state. I’ll do better. Maybe I can buy the book “communism for dummies” with my EBT card.
Wow. You couldn't possibly be as ignorant as you come across. Give it a rest and go brush your tooth Cletis.
This is a firearms/ hunting forum, not a political shitshow.

Your inability to separate the two speaks volumes. For the record, nobody gives two shitz if you choose to grace us with your visit.
I just joined this forum, in hopes of sharing stories, opinions, expertise, and ideas. Your presence is making me re-think that decision. You're not going to " spend a dollar supporting the indoctrination and destruction of our youth"?
Do you pay taxes?
Morons, and shallow end of the gene pool troglodyte's such as yourself are a scourge.
My advice?
Limit your contributions to this forum, as most others would shitcan your ass in a hurry.
And, before you ask...yes...I'm as tough in person as I am " behind a keyboard"...I'm your Huckleberry.
All the best
I'd love to know what area of CA you were hunting in. I'm relatively new here, hunting the D11-13 zones. Really enjoying it but haven't found my groove yet.
Try the backside of the mountains in 11 and 13. Pick up a bear tag also, lots of yogi’s in there. Archery bear opens in a little over a month if you do any archery hunting, im counting the days.