What keeps you from hunting OTC California?

What Keeps you from hunting OTC in California?

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Wow. You couldn't possibly be as ignorant as you come across. Give it a rest and go brush your tooth Cletis.
This is a firearms/ hunting forum, not a political shitshow.

Your inability to separate the two speaks volumes. For the record, nobody gives two shitz if you choose to grace us with your visit.
I just joined this forum, in hopes of sharing stories, opinions, expertise, and ideas. Your presence is making me re-think that decision. You're not going to " spend a dollar supporting the indoctrination and destruction of our youth"?
Do you pay taxes?
Morons, and shallow end of the gene pool troglodyte's such as yourself are a scourge.
My advice?
Limit your contributions to this forum, as most others would shitcan your ass in a hurry.
And, before you ask...yes...I'm as tough in person as I am " behind a keyboard"...I'm your Huckleberry.
All the best
Someone that becomes irritated when a person finds protecting children more important than hunting is probably on a certain internet list. Hope they catch on soon.

And you showing up and telling me how to interact is meaningless. You are welcome to follow your gut and get lost. Or stay. Meaningless to me. Sorry you are offended about my stance against child endangerment. But I think that speaks volumes about you, not me.

My response was directly related to the op question, just not what you wanted to hear. Maybe hit a little too close to home.

So far it has been called “commiefornia” “woke” and said to demand rainbow hunting vests. Multiple people have stated they won’t go there because of the politics and anti-constitutional policies. But none of them get a response. Only when the safety of children is spoken of do you get worked up. Very concerning.
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Someone that becomes irritated when a person finds protecting children more important than hunting is probably on a certain internet list. Hope they catch on soon.

And you showing up and telling me how to interact is meaningless. You are welcome to follow your gut and get lost. Or stay. Meaningless to me. Sorry you are offended about my stance against child endangerment. But I think that speaks volumes about you, not me.

My response was directly related to the op question, just not what you wanted to hear. Maybe hit a little too close to home.

So far it has been called “commiefornia” “woke” and said to demand rainbow hunting vests. Multiple people have stated they won’t go there because of the politics and anti-constitutional policies. But none of them get a response. Only when the safety of children is spoken of do you get worked up. Very concerning.
The only thing that is "very concerning" to me is the thought of ignorant dripnoids like you having access to firearms....and the internet.
You despise an entire State...and everyone who lives there... and assume all who live there to be liberal, child-endangering, rainbow flag liberals. That, actually speaks more to your intelligence quotient than anything else you might have to offer.

" Never debate stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience "

-Mark Twain
Surprised this thread almost made it to 200 replies before the crap flinging started. Archery season opened yesterday and after touching base with a few friends back home I can’t wait to go down for rifle season and let loose on some bucks and hogs, looks like it’s gonna be a good year.
Surprised this thread almost made it to 200 replies before the crap flinging started. Archery season opened yesterday and after touching base with a few friends back home I can’t wait to go down for rifle season and let loose on some bucks and hogs, looks like it’s gonna be a good year.
My apologies. I just can't abide ignorant dumbasses.
Good luck this season.
I leave California to hunt. I never actually thought about hunting here come to think of it lol.
I got into Hunting as adult because it’s a fun way to explore wilderness.

It connects me to the land I currently live on, & to the region where I hunt.

and gives me a bigger range when looking for animals. My spatial awareness and territory is larger and more Acute. 100% I attribute that to spending time outside within 100 miles of my house.

A huge part of hunting is the local aspect of it, seeing the animals in and out of season. Seeing “rare” animals ( porcupine, beaver, bear, bobcat,) as well as the ones who live right next to me.

I’ve found so many amazing places scouting locally.

Plus somebody has to keep an eye on the neighborhood;)


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Ha! I managed the oldest Duck Club in California for years...the Cordelia Club...much better stories there...but a different subject.
Honestly am a little intrigued to try CA bear. I met this cool old hunter in Idaho who's got a Sheep Grand Slam. He gave me an awesome little tour of his house and had a great looking B&C bear he said he shot in California.
there is a ton of them out here and in nor cal some very very big ones
Looks like I’m going to be forced to hunt Kali this year. My tenants are moving out, now I’ve got to go get the house ready to sell, so will be there a couple months or so. Wife told me to make sure I had my bow, rifle, shotgun and fishing gear.