California. Beautiful state. Public land game poor. I lived in Fort Bragg for 4 years. We had a state forest nearby. Jackson state. I think in 4 years I never saw a deer. A zone hunting. Brutal heat, rattlesnakes and poison oak. I killed 2 nice bucks in 4 years. On Private.
Covelo B zone. Rugged, hot and plugged full of people from other countries driving around with chairs in the pick up bed. Plan on packing in a ton of water and being content with seeing 3-4 deer a day if your lucky.
Duck hunting, unless you buy into a lease, be content hunting 3 days a week on the refuges if you can get on. Or diver hunting the bays.
I get it. If you're from there, have connections, intimate knowledge, trail cams up year round it could be a great place on public.
California is no where remotely close to the vast majority of western states in regards ease of big game hunting. Lack of game on public is the main reason. Impossible draw odds for non blacktail hunts is another.
You Californians here sticking up for your state is admirable.
The plain truth is you can go all over the West during hunting season and see California plates everywhere.
You can't go around California and see plates from all over the West during hunting season.
Trust me, it ain't the politics keeping people out.