What keeps you from hunting OTC California?

What Keeps you from hunting OTC in California?

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Since its your hometown maybe you can clear something up for me. I pronounce it Co-vel-oh and swear thats the right way to say it but I have some buddies that pronounce it Covl-oh.

I've seen some pretty wild stuff happen outside of that gas station there on the main drag. Some tweaker guy was in a fight with his old lady. She pulled up to get gas with her new man (big bull lesbian) and when she pulled in line to get gas, here comes this skinny little whip of a tweaker in his beat up Honda accord, coming in at like 20 mph and just rams the girls truck. The big bull lesbian got out and ran him off though after that. Most of the people there just carried on like nothing happened.
CO-vuh-lo. The foreign trimmers had all kinds of funny ways of saying it.
Since its your hometown maybe you can clear something up for me. I pronounce it Co-vel-oh and swear thats the right way to say it but I have some buddies that pronounce it Covl-oh.

I've seen some pretty wild stuff happen outside of that gas station there on the main drag. Some tweaker guy was in a fight with his old lady. She pulled up to get gas with her new man (big bull lesbian) and when she pulled in line to get gas, here comes this skinny little whip of a tweaker in his beat up Honda accord, coming in at like 20 mph and just rams the girls truck. The big bull lesbian got out and ran him off though after that. Most of the people there just carried on like nothing happened.
It's pronounced COvelo, not coVELo.
Obviously this thread is dead if we're discussing the pronunciation of a town most people have never heard of haha
I’ve heard of it and I’ve been through it. Met some locals out hunting who were very cool guys and also ran into some locals that looked like they’d have no problem trying to rob me blind.
Probably be back in the area in a few years for the late muzzle loader black tail tag when I finally have the time to commit to that hunt.
Has legalization slowed down the illegal grow shenanigans that the area is well known for?
A buddy and I hunted in MNF about 15 years ago and there was someone who would drive in past our camp at about 2A every morning and come back out about 3A. Cooking meth was my best guess as to why (too late in the year for weed).
They were probably just going to bury their last victims. Seems as at least once a week its a stabbing / shooting / kidnapping / armed robbery / murder.
I’ve heard of it and I’ve been through it. Met some locals out hunting who were very cool guys and also ran into some locals that looked like they’d have no problem trying to rob me blind.
Probably be back in the area in a few years for the late muzzle loader black tail tag when I finally have the time to commit to that hunt.
Has legalization slowed down the illegal grow shenanigans that the area is well known for?
Scroll around the town in Google earth. That’s all cartel pot in those hoop houses.

Matt Kendall ( mendo sheriff ) is from round valley.It’s a disgrace.
There’s several of these towns in CA they are controlled by foreign DTOs.

Additionally https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round_Valley_Settler_Massacres_of_1856–1859

And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbill_massacre

So there’s a lot of tension in this community.
It’s a beautiful valley and used to be a paradise. Salmon spawned in small creeks up in the hills and there there’s a lot of water in springs and seeps:

If you’ve never been there & live in CA and like to explore its well worth a trip out there. Aug-November are months to avoid.
Hey guys if anyone is interested in avoiding OTC for Tule, I would check out https://huntcgm.com/tule-elk-hunting-california/. I have heard from multiple people who have used them and their success rates are very high.
Hahaha what the hell? Get out of here with your 45k elk hunt advertising. The success rates on diy tule hunts are extremely high. So why would you need to spend an extra 45k?
Scroll around the town in Google earth. That’s all cartel pot in those hoop houses.

Matt Kendall ( mendo sheriff ) is from round valley.It’s a disgrace.
There’s several of these towns in CA they are controlled by foreign DTOs.

Additionally https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round_Valley_Settler_Massacres_of_1856–1859

And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbill_massacre

So there’s a lot of tension in this community.
It’s a beautiful valley and used to be a paradise. Salmon spawned in small creeks up in the hills and there there’s a lot of water in springs and seeps:

If you’ve never been there & live in CA and like to explore its well worth a trip out there. Aug-November are months to avoid.
Not all the hoop houses in the valley are cartel. There's definitely cartel there, but there's a ton of "entrepreneurial" folks growing around here.
A buddy and I hunted in MNF about 15 years ago and there was someone who would drive in past our camp at about 2A every morning and come back out about 3A. Cooking meth was my best guess as to why (too late in the year for weed).
If it was September/October it was weed. October is typically the harvest season.

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The parts I have been to were pretty but it’s probably more the perception of how contentious I would expect people there to be towards hunters and hunting.