What is the single most important thing you will do in 2025 to enjoy your time outside more?

I don’t know about one single thing. Probably get into better shape(lose weight gain muscle). I want to go backpacking at least once over the summer. After thanksgiving, drop the weapons and start peakbagging for the winter.

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Pack little reasons to get outside at the end of the day. More time outside is just better.

-Binoculars and brush pants in the truck.
It's going to be scheduling time outside. It's not enough to just "want" or "try" to get out. Each week, I have a list of to-do items, and a quantity - usually 4 - of days I have to do something in the outdoors. Can be a simple as a walk on a local trail or a jog in the park. Good for both body and mind.
Backpack more and try to plan it with friends. Last season's archery hunt reminded me how much I love exploring new areas and the good chats that come up with the backpacking pace. I ran a lot last summer, but almost always alone.
Working on my cardio. I purchased a Rogue Weight Vest to get accustomed to significant weight, over extended periods.
Starting to walk in the morning. Especially the downhill section of the main road to build endurance and my legs.

As the snow melts out on the north sides I will start on trail maintenance on my old trails and try to cut 5-6 miles of new trails to expand my access to isolated blocks of land.

By the time I get my winter wood in and my hay into the barn, I will be in good enough shape to enjoy elk hunting.
For me, it will be slowing down and enjoying each day more, not just focused on what's just beyond the horizon heading my way......slow down, breathe, enjoy the current moment!
I'm 48# down so far this year, still have a long ways to go.
trying to fix a lower back issue, on round 2 of steroid shots now, probably end up having a minor surgery to fix it. Even with just the first round of shots, I've been able to start hiking again, can probably enjoy a mostly normal year even without surgery.