What groups or clubs do you belong to?


Jun 6, 2016
NRA, BCHA, RMEF, WTF? I just joined the RMEF, but haven't joined or supported anything else partly because some organizations aren't reputable. Who do you support and why?
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BHA-I like land, Wild sheep-I like sheep, Rocky Mountain goat alliance-I like goats , TRCP-land again, RMEF-I like elk, cal waterfowl-I like waterfowl a couple smaller regional outfits like bow hunter alliances and California wilderness coalition.

I used to be a member of DU and am on the fence about joining again.

I would NEVER give a dime to Big game forever or SFW in my life though.

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BHA, SCI, RMEF, WSF Sand 2% for conservation. Probably trcp soon. I like all the information about how much money hunters spend that RMEF posts on social media

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Too many, however I wish could do even a few more.
Pope and Young
NRA life member
NYSB ( New York State bowhunters )

2% for conservation and the WSF are on my list to join right now also.
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NRA only at the moment. I love to hunt and fish. Looking into some groups, as moving to CO (in combination with the public lands deal) has rekindled a desire to "do something".

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P&Y Senior Member
NRA Life Member
Colorado Bowhunter's Assoc Life Member
Wild Sheep Society of British Columbia Member
British Columbia Wildlife Federation Member
National Firearms Association Member (Canadian)
NRA, WSF, RMEF. Looking to join BCHA. That's all hunting related, a lot of others for professional and personal.
I think it's crucial to support the groups fight for hunters rights.

SCI-, their primary mission is fighting for hunters rights, they lobby State and fed legislators and fight in court for us
NRA- of course
CBH - Ca bowmen hunters
RMEF-some years
Briones Archers- my local club
Don't forget to purchase your Amazon orders through smile.amazon.com and pick your org. for their donation. I have my donation go to BHA. I think RMEF is on there too.
Don't forget to purchase your Amazon orders through smile.amazon.com and pick your org. for their donation. I have my donation go to BHA. I think RMEF is on there too.
Yep, I have mine set up for BHA as well. A great way to add additional contributions for things I'm going to buy anyway!

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AES - raffles only
DU - gun calendar includes membership

Going to add TRCP and drop DU.