What groups or clubs do you belong to?

BHA and RMEF. Have been with the NRA, but let me membership lapse and haven't renewed yet. Instead I spent the money of BHA and the RMEF. They more purposefully align with me day in and day out. That said, I will renew my NRA membership sometime in the near future.
NRA Life - don't always agree with their approach, but I know I don't always know all the facts. Numbers matter at the NRA level. Everyone who believes in the 2nd Amendment should be a member, IMO

SAF Life - they fight for the rights at the court level

RMEF - 'cause elk are yummy

BHA - likely in future, but not yet

- David
MDF... Recently let this one expire. Was a member for over 10 years. In that time I had to call them almost every year to renew. They never sent any renewal information. It was always up to me to remember my expiration date and renew. At least three of those years I had to call more than once to get my renewal put through. I would renew with my CC, and nothing would happen. I'd call back and always get the same story... Not sure what happened? Let's try it again. I figure they have enough money & members since renewing is so hard. I decided if I didn't get a renewal notice this year, I was done. Guess I'm done... still no renewal after I expired four months ago.