What game bird do you hate/depise the most?

Turkeys...dumb birds not hard to kill. Not that I don't have a little bit of fun doing it and watching my 4yr old (at the time) kill her first animal was awesome.

But hardcore Turkey guys turn me off on the bird more than any other "hardcore" species guys. #1 besides calling them and a bit of the method, they aren't, and never will be "just like hunting elk". Sorry it aint the same as a 600lb+ animal screaming in your face.

Oh cool a 23lb chicken just got done pecking its reflection in that guys hubcap in the Wildlife Area's parking lot....here he comes.
Chuckar. I was convinced my dad made the bird up to trick me into walking to the top of ridges and bottom of deep draws chasing a bird we never saw.
Indeed. When we got to the rimrocks the bastards would flush and fly all the way down to where we just spent a few hours hiking up from, laughing all the time, that's what it sounds like. First time hunting them is for sport, every time there after was revenge pure and simple.
IMHO Grouse is best . Pheasant in NE is like small chicken. Never seen a quail and woodcock tastes like a worm should.

I have shot grouse, turkey, woodcock , pheasant. Only one in my extended family eat the wood cock and his family loves them. They get all we shoot.

I like freezer turkey way more than wild.

Ducks and geese my son and I grind with pork and make burgers.
Turkeys...dumb birds not hard to kill. Not that I don't have a little bit of fun doing it and watching my 4yr old (at the time) kill her first animal was awesome.

But hardcore Turkey guys turn me off on the bird more than any other "hardcore" species guys. #1 besides calling them and a bit of the method, they aren't, and never will be "just like hunting elk". Sorry it aint the same as a 600lb+ animal screaming in your face.

Oh cool a 23lb chicken just got done pecking its reflection in that guys hubcap in the Wildlife Area's parking lot....here he comes.
lol this legit made me laugh…… dude come on
Turkeys are badass! Haha

Nothing better than having them hammer on a limb in predawn darkness!
I love and hate Eastern Turkeys. Love the hunt, they frustrate the hell out of me, whether it's not gobbling and coming in silent or gobbling their head off and then not coming in.

I wouldn't call a turkey dumb or smart, they just don't want to die in general. Often, I kill them out of rage and frustration.

Hunting a public land bird in SC can be very frustrating/rewarding. I'm glad they knocked it down to 2 birds and no jakes.
Hate snow geese, I haven’t invested in a snow spread but have been skunked too many times setting up on them or they landing in another field and bringing the rest of the honkers or mallards with them.
This made me laugh, i used to chase them all across the country and by all means they can be frustrating but when the stars line up and you pile up 3-400, no other bird hunting compares .... my opinion of course
Snows are a pain! You can do everything right, On the X, Hide on point, all fullbodies (No motion here in WA) and then they just give you the finger.
Man you must not hunt specks . Snow come in by the buss load but one speck gives us the stink eta and they all eff off to another county
Hate: Coastal widgeon and bluebills. Taste like shit a lot of the time.

I love chukar hunting more than any other bird hunting, but often realize I'm happiest out there when I'm walking off the mountain. Unless it's the last day of the season.
I find Canadian geese to be quite annoying. That noise they make is terrible. Also Eurasian doves are very annoying. Just curious why the dislike for pheasants?
I used to hate turkeys because I was a garbage turkey hunter. The first time I killed a Jake off a decoy on a full call-in I lost my hatred. Also being able to shoot them with a rifle in the fall in MT definitely added an aspect of fun to my CWD management hunt last fall.

Now my hatred is grouse because despite how stupid they are, I sent 3 arrows into orbit last fall like a jackwagon trying to kill one on a bad day of hunting and missed all 3. Tells you more about the hunter than the prey though
Don't have a hate of any game bird but most annoying while duck hunting would be coots. I like pheasants but they scare the crap out of me sometimes while working my way to put a stalk on a mule deer
Ruffed grouse. I moved to New England 7 years ago. I have shot a few in the last couple years. A few.

I see them all the time when I'm not hunting and hiking. I hunted 3 years and didn't see any hunting. I walked about 50 miles each year.

I told some local friends about it. They thought this was ridiculous. So they took me to their go to places. We walked 10 miles. Not a bird. They couldn't believe it.

I went with a buddy to a good spot one time. He got a limit. I didn't get a shot. They all flushed to his side.

When I deer hunt in Maine, I take a shotgun along just in case I want to chase after them for a day. I hunted a new property and scared 23 of them. 23 in a day. Easy shots.

So I took my shotgun the next day. No grouse in the same walk at the same time, but I saw 4 deer. I still haven't shot a deer in Maine and I go every year.

This last year in Maine I went after them. I saw two in 5 days of hunting them pre seaon and checking some new places out. When I switched over to deer hunting when the season opened I saw 4-10 a day.

Anyway, I really hate those birds.
Ruffed grouse. I moved to New England 7 years ago. I have shot a few in the last couple years. A few.

I see them all the time when I'm not hunting and hiking. I hunted 3 years and didn't see any hunting. I walked about 50 miles each year.

I told some local friends about it. They thought this was ridiculous. So they took me to their go to places. We walked 10 miles. Not a bird. They couldn't believe it.

I went with a buddy to a good spot one time. He got a limit. I didn't get a shot. They all flushed to his side.

When I deer hunt in Maine, I take a shotgun along just in case I want to chase after them for a day. I hunted a new property and scared 23 of them. 23 in a day. Easy shots.

So I took my shotgun the next day. No grouse in the same walk at the same time, but I saw 4 deer. I still haven't shot a deer in Maine and I go every year.

This last year in Maine I went after them. I saw two in 5 days of hunting them pre seaon and checking some new places out. When I switched over to deer hunting when the season opened I saw 4-10 a day.

Anyway, I really hate those birds.
Remind me not to invite you to come grouse and ptarmigan hunting!
Remind me not to invite you to come grouse and ptarmigan hunting!
I mean the funny thing is that I grew up in upland bird heaven and have never really had an issue even without a dog. About the worst time was once going after prairie chickens and sharp tails for a weekend. I walked around 15 miles before I got a limit. I really wanted to get some. The next day I limited out within 300 yards of the car. Ruffed grouse are my nemesis or something.

On a side note, I went salmon fishing up in the Gaspe with a biologist a couple years ago. I told him all about my grouse issues and he was laughing really hard at me and telling me how tame the ones up there are. When I was following him back to town in our car he stopped and pointed out every grouse he saw. He also honked to unsuccessfully make them fly. And got out once and walked right up on one. He really enjoyed hearing my saga.
I h
Hate snow geese, I haven’t invested in a snow spread but have been skunked too many times setting up on them or they landing in another field and bringing the rest of the honkers or mallards with them.
Waterfowl are most definitely not my specialty in general, but I would have to agree snow geese have left me empty handed more times than not. However I do love their meat and when I do get to hunt them it is always a blast!