What game bird do you hate/depise the most?

Turkeys...dumb birds not hard to kill. Not that I don't have a little bit of fun doing it and watching my 4yr old (at the time) kill her first animal was awesome.

But hardcore Turkey guys turn me off on the bird more than any other "hardcore" species guys. #1 besides calling them and a bit of the method, they aren't, and never will be "just like hunting elk". Sorry it aint the same as a 600lb+ animal screaming in your face.

Oh cool a 23lb chicken just got done pecking its reflection in that guys hubcap in the Wildlife Area's parking lot....here he comes.
Chuckar. I was convinced my dad made the bird up to trick me into walking to the top of ridges and bottom of deep draws chasing a bird we never saw.
Indeed. When we got to the rimrocks the bastards would flush and fly all the way down to where we just spent a few hours hiking up from, laughing all the time, that's what it sounds like. First time hunting them is for sport, every time there after was revenge pure and simple.
IMHO Grouse is best . Pheasant in NE is like small chicken. Never seen a quail and woodcock tastes like a worm should.

I have shot grouse, turkey, woodcock , pheasant. Only one in my extended family eat the wood cock and his family loves them. They get all we shoot.

I like freezer turkey way more than wild.

Ducks and geese my son and I grind with pork and make burgers.
Turkeys...dumb birds not hard to kill. Not that I don't have a little bit of fun doing it and watching my 4yr old (at the time) kill her first animal was awesome.

But hardcore Turkey guys turn me off on the bird more than any other "hardcore" species guys. #1 besides calling them and a bit of the method, they aren't, and never will be "just like hunting elk". Sorry it aint the same as a 600lb+ animal screaming in your face.

Oh cool a 23lb chicken just got done pecking its reflection in that guys hubcap in the Wildlife Area's parking lot....here he comes.
lol this legit made me laugh…… dude come on
Turkeys are badass! Haha

Nothing better than having them hammer on a limb in predawn darkness!
I love and hate Eastern Turkeys. Love the hunt, they frustrate the hell out of me, whether it's not gobbling and coming in silent or gobbling their head off and then not coming in.

I wouldn't call a turkey dumb or smart, they just don't want to die in general. Often, I kill them out of rage and frustration.

Hunting a public land bird in SC can be very frustrating/rewarding. I'm glad they knocked it down to 2 birds and no jakes.