What game bird do you hate/depise the most?

Hate snow geese, I haven’t invested in a snow spread but have been skunked too many times setting up on them or they landing in another field and bringing the rest of the honkers or mallards with them.
Hate snow geese, I haven’t invested in a snow spread but have been skunked too many times setting up on them or they landing in another field and bringing the rest of the honkers or mallards with them.

Snows are a pain! You can do everything right, On the X, Hide on point, all fullbodies (No motion here in WA) and then they just give you the finger.
Turkeys, scare the living poo out of me nodding off in the woods waiting for the sun to come up when they fly down from the roost. That and they taste terrible so no point in shooting them for revenge.
For me it's Canadian Geese mostly because they're the most annoying BIRD I deal with regularly that also counts as "game bird." I don't actually hunt them but we get tons of them around here dropping their loads around parks and ball fields in various seasons and sometimes there are so many piles it's hard to even walk around. And boy, can they be real jerks if they get agitated. And somehow on the list of "top 5 things I love roasted" they just never make the list...
For me it's Canadian Geese mostly because they're the most annoying BIRD I deal with regularly that also counts as "game bird." I don't actually hunt them but we get tons of them around here dropping their loads around parks and ball fields in various seasons and sometimes there are so many piles it's hard to even walk around. And boy, can they be real jerks if they get agitated. And somehow on the list of "top 5 things I love roasted" they just never make the list...
Cook in a crock pot for 6 hours, covered with beef bone broth/select spices on low. Change the broth/spices as you wish. Once cooked, strain and shred. Add your choice of BBQ sauce after shredding and mix.

Place on buns and serve hot. Add cheese for taste.
Any of them that scare the shit out of me while on a stalk. Sage Grouse and Sharptails while antelope hunting. Pheasants while walking the river bottoms. Mountain grouse while chasing elk and mule deer. All good eating but tough on the heart when they startle you.

Waterfowl! My hunting buddies always want to mess up an upland trip to set up on that “X” we saw the day before. Not to mention someone always bringing some jerky/pepperoni and tells you “It’s so good you can’t even tell it’s duck”. Wrong! Tastes like the south end of a northbound horse. Then you have to head out at 0200 to launch the boat, set up decoys, brush blinds, and freeze your ass off. All to end the day “accidentally” leaving the pile of ducks in someone else’s pickup so they have to deal with them.

If I never sat in a blind again, I’d be content.
Coots. Spending an entire morning seeing nothing but coots drives me nuts.

Turkeys. They aren’t as smart as people say they are, they’re just really good at not getting killed. Which makes me feel all the dumber.

Quail. Fly up between my legs in the dark when on my way to be outsmarted by the aforementioned not smart turkeys and deer.
I’d love to take the guys that hate turkeys on an eastern hunt, just the bird vs your calls. There is nothing like it. I’ve never hunted turkeys out west, but I see guys kill them outside of blinds with bows every year with regularity. I’ve been trying for almost a decade to kill an eastern with a bow, no blind and no decoys, in the spring. It’s a tall order.

If eastern turkeys could smell like a deer, they’d be next to impossible to kill with a shotgun and calls.

Honestly, most all other bird hunting sucks when you don’t kill birds. Turkey hunting is the only bird hunting that’s still enjoyable when the birds win.

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