I was beginning to shoot my bow as many days as possible before Sep 2, but while shooting 3d yesterday evening my bow string came off in a violent fashion. A true "surprise" release that raked my arm and severed the arrow in half. Now I am figuring out ways to get to the bow shop that's 2 hours away... It's an old bow; we'll see if anything's salvageable.
This made me think, what gear related (or non-gear-related) emergencies have you had before the season that made you panic? Were you able to figure it out, or did you have to call an audible?
I was beginning to shoot my bow as many days as possible before Sep 2, but while shooting 3d yesterday evening my bow string came off in a violent fashion. A true "surprise" release that raked my arm and severed the arrow in half. Now I am figuring out ways to get to the bow shop that's 2 hours away... It's an old bow; we'll see if anything's salvageable.
This made me think, what gear related (or non-gear-related) emergencies have you had before the season that made you panic? Were you able to figure it out, or did you have to call an audible?