What do you do for a living? How can you help?

Mech/biomed engr. Focus on product design and development in medical devices. Spent most of my career helping doctors get their hand drawn ideas from a napkin to prototype. If you have ideas that you want made real, let me know. If I can't figure it out I'll point you in the right direction.
Well, I'm not one to toot my own horn, but I can do anything related to house construction,repair, trouble shooting, anything house related. 18 years remodeling, new construction, fixing problems known and unknown. Rot, electrical problems, plumbing problems, leaks anywhere, mold, fire, demolition, etc.... I just launched my consulting business today. I have competitive rates.
Seems you and I were in the same field, I spent 30 years + doing that . I lucked out and leveraged my skills early in life and bought junk fixer-uppers for cheap, work my 8 for customers, then another 4-6 on the shacks most days. After rents and appreciation I was lucky enough to retire fairly early in life.
Retired as a Fire Chief at 56. Invested well, then went to running heavy equipment for a coal mine Saturday and Sunday two twelve-hour shifts. Me and one other guy. No one bothered us pretty relaxing gig. Done that for a few years now just hunt out west for however many tags I can draw and do a lot of smallmouth fishing. I thing I told myself when I retired. I am not setting in front of that useless tv.
Mine engineer, 20+ years in engineering and operations, surface and underground coal, international and domestic. It’s been a fantastic career with lots of opportunity to hunt and live in the west.
Degree is in mechanical engineering. Have spent nearly two decades tearing apart and rebuilding commercial nuclear reactors both domestic and overseas.

Have transitioned to the management side recently. If you can pass a drug test, stay off the bottle, and like roughneck work wearing plastic pajamas, please feel free to reach out to me. My newbies make over $25/hr with no skills and in a company with nearly 1000 contractors, we average nearly $100k for folks working 6 months a year. Downside: our peaks are spring and fall. You’ll be on the road in BFE while your buddies are chasing bugling elk.
Degree is in mechanical engineering. Have spent nearly two decades tearing apart and rebuilding commercial nuclear reactors both domestic and overseas.

Have transitioned to the management side recently. If you can pass a drug test, stay off the bottle, and like roughneck work wearing plastic pajamas, please feel free to reach out to me. My newbies make over $25/hr with no skills and in a company with nearly 1000 contractors, we average nearly $100k for folks working 6 months a year. Downside: our peaks are spring and fall. You’ll be on the road in BFE while your buddies are chasing bugling elk.
Worked WV oilfield thru high school, did my time in army over seas, got degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engr and worked oilfield since. Been mostly drilling for my career but also managed frac operations for three years. Lot of misconceptions about the industry and I truly enjoy teaching folks and teaching First Responders and energy classes.

Also grew up doing residential remodeling and industrial HVAC with my Dad.

Anyone ever have questions/concerns/clarification about the oilfield/natural gas industry, feel free to reach out.
Retired Master Plumber. I worked for 48 years in the plumber plumbing/piping industry, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and municipal. My wife and I owned & operated a small plumbing business (27 employees) that my mom and dad started in 1977. I can read and understand a company P&L and financials. I will try to answer plumbing related questions or questions about running your business.
Civil engineer. Mostly design roads but have worked on several bridges as well. Also have done some work on access control facilities for the government and some private site design for large food companies building new processing plants.

I’m good at earthwork design

Licensed in WI and MN currently.
I am a specialist in placer gold. Where to find it. How to permit it and? How to mine it and leave the ground and streams as close to the untouched condition as possible.

I pretty much focus in Montana but have worked in most of the west. I know -- a little too specialized to help the majority of you.

I dabbled in my youth. :-)

Hmmm, rules. I'm an expert in starch modification using alpha amylase. Not much else. :-)
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I am a specialist in placer gold. Where to find it. How to permit it and? How to mine it and leave the ground and streams as close to the untouched condition as possible.

I pretty much focus in Montana but have worked in most of the west. I know -- a little too specialized to help the majority of you.
I want to chat! I frequently try to pan here and there, but I feel like where I get my material from is almost always lacking… which is why I don’t really find gold
Current Firefighter, former infantry man, I was pretty good at setting up L shaped ambushes & working a few 240B’s like a symphony. Currently my biggest skill set is watching my two daughters under 2… so if you need to know about frozen or bluey or Mickey Mouse I can shed some light on it.
Seems you and I were in the same field, I spent 30 years + doing that . I lucked out and leveraged my skills early in life and bought junk fixer-uppers for cheap, work my 8 for customers, then another 4-6 on the shacks most days. After rents and appreciation I was lucky enough to retire fairly early in life.
I was fortunate enough to sell my houses in Ca and use the liquidated equity to build a house in Nv. I built it by myself, no help whatsoever. My first house I had for 7 years. Second house less than 2 years. Put a garage on it and when it sold the profit was a good chunk of change. I'm sure it will all burn very soon.
I own my home outright. Next phase is to get my license here and stack that money up.
I work for one of the FIRREA agencies. I used to examine frauds etc., but now I am in management and just supervise people. Not much help.
Been retired 18 yrs now but spent about 30 years driving HWY trucks in 49 states and Canada. Have been there and seen that, Prudoe bay to Miami, Flo, Mexican border in Cal to Maine.
Great idea for a thread! I work in the simulation/innovation area of a hospital system in the midwest. We mainly do rapid prototyping, anatomical models, training/education models, plus whatever other unique project comes in. We primarily use additive manufacturing (3D printing) and 2-part rubbers/plastics, but collaborate with our metal and wood shop capabilities as needed.

I have 5 younger kids so I don't do much outside of work then come home and help wrangle them, but Im help answer questions or try to assist with anything 3D printing if i can! Cheers!
Currently unemployed - how can I be of service to you? :cool:

Besides that, I wear/have worn a few different hats.

I have a petroleum engineering degree, and have 8 years professional experience in progressing roles in drilling operations, mostly deepwater GoM (5-7k ft water depth). Prior to this I worked on drilling and completion rigs during the summer to pay my through college, as a "roughneck".

In addition I have a master's in landscape architecture, with some experience in that field. All SW desert design. Currently trying to get on with a company that does international pool designs, mostly commercial.

I also currently help my wife with her company stuff, which she started a few years ago. She's fairly computer illiterate, so I help her out with all things related to her work that gets conducted by computer: creating contracts for new work assignments, creating spreadsheets for tax information, and various other administrative duties.
I am in the on-line leak sealing and industrial mechanical services business.

I have been in industrial/power gen construction and maintenance services for a long time.

If any of you have an interest in that line of work, or have a son or daughter who is looking for a solid "light blue" collar career, I would be happy to help. Even if I don't have a position in my current company, I have many contacts in the industry and someone is always hiring.