What do you do for a living? How can you help?

I’m a union crane operator. Local 324. I carry every Nccco available. Been on jobs from running a tower crane on the gordie howie international bridge to polar cranes nuclear power plants lifting the reactor to running crawler cranes building the u of m hospital.

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Went from union HVAC service tech to Controls software engineer. Heading into a service sales PM role. If you need your equipment to last longer and in turn save on your gas and electric bills, I am your guy in Boise, ID.
I work in financial fraud (investigating not committing). Can be fun, also can be depressing watching people get scammed out of their money all day. The amount of people that lie, cheat, and steal to exploit others, especially the elderly, can give you a bleak outlook on the general population.

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So let me practicing adulting today and be serious.

I've been in banking & mortgage lending in various roles. I’ve done the loan officer/mortgage broker thing for 10 years plus, underwriter for a few years and I've run a mortgage department for both banks and credit unions and all that comes with it.
I started putting face frames together in a cabinet shop in high-school. Held a number of different odd jobs since then. Ended up at the face in an underground coal mine for a couple months.

Currently busy going into debt in search of a Mining Engineering degree. Got two more semesters before I'm a 'free' man. Then I can start thinking about taking a big boy home loan...
I am a former Biotechnology based scientist working in public health, Rifle Builder and currently a Licensed Financial Professional
I spent 35 years as a Presbyterian minister. The last few years my wife and I started a boarding and training kennel for dogs . It has gone very well and we are going to phase out the business in the next few years.
I retired as an executive in Big Technology. Almost everything video you see on television or streamed over the internet is processed through racks of flashing lights or software my companies invented, and I sold, to the biggest content providers in the world.

If you have a sudden need for someone to enable the encoding, transcoding, and streaming of UHD video to every digital device made, simultaneously around the world, at the speed of light, I'm your guy!

And I started put as a ditch digger installing cable TV lines. For real..
Retired from BLM as a fire lookout. Started at 19 and finished at 61.
I know clouds and fires.
Have questions on fires and so forth ask away.

This is very cool to me... a cloud expert. Can't say I have questions, but have spent probably weeks of my life staring in wonder at clouds in various places.
I have a particular set of skills... I once used a $25 RTL-SDR off of Amazon to pull down all the smart meters in my neighborhood and was able to tell when my neighbor flushed his toilet.

I am one Home Depot trip away from pulling down weather satellites.
I retired as an executive in Big Technology. Almost everything video you see on television or streamed over the internet is processed through racks of flashing lights or software my companies invented, and I sold, to the biggest content providers in the world.

If you have a sudden need for someone to enable the encoding, transcoding, and streaming of UHD video to every digital device made, simultaneously around the world, at the speed of light, I'm your guy!

And I started put as a ditch digger installing cable TV lines. For real..

I did video streaming code at one point. The MPEG-TS standard made my eyes bleed.
Mechanic, welder, controls electrician for the pump industry. Ive worked on everything from municipal treatment plants, amusement parks, nuclear power plants, golf courses, to agriculture. I’m sitting here waiting to put my truck on a barge to go across the Cape Fear River to work on a pump station at a private golf course on Bald Head Island. Been doing this for 30 years. Worked all over.
I'm a roofing contractor specializing in commercial low sloped roof systems, but also install residential and steep slope systems. I'm always happy to share advice and knowledge if anyone here ever has a need, or better yet if anyone needs roofing done in Oregon, I may be your guy!