What did you do today to get ready for archery season?

Got my sight housing back from Black Gold. Didn’t like the red and I want to use my 30 pin as my floater, so I shipped it off and asked them to swap Green, Red, Yellow to Yellow, Green, Yellow. They got it back to me in a week and didn’t charge me, great customer service from the guys up in Belgrade!
I noticed my bare shafts were hitting a little left of my fletched arrows at 20 yards. Took my bow in to get it tuned up and now it’s shooting perfect.
Re-installed the sight housing on Saturday and shot 3D yesterday with the updated pin colors. I like the change and it forced me to hold for shots between 20 and 30 instead of dialing everything which is valuable.
Worked on form, specifically front shoulder position, and blank bailed 20 or so shots.

Roughly set up my triple stack sight as well. Started building new hunting arrows as well so I will be sighting in for them and Broadhead tuning shortly.

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Shooting my broadheads every day out to 40 yards. Happy to finally be past the tuning phase and just shooting/practicing now. The learning curve for everything necessary/needed to tune my own bow has been both rewarding and extremely frustrating at times.
Same. I am still tuning. Bareshafted / paper tuned 6 arrows today. I had bullets then decided my arrow was looking awfully funky from the side (point low) and fiddling with rest. that said, the nock tunes were an awesome use of time. I was very surprised how big of a difference it makes. now I just need 1 shooting a bullet again and they'll be good. Ready to fletch
New string is in, bow got tuned by a pro, ditched the kisser, and getting it dialed in. Shot @ 50 yards for the first time ever and am ecstatic with the results. I had guessed where the pin should be. dang good guess

Shooting. Fit Grab-It to my pack.

Work 11 of the next 14 days. At my job that is rough. After that I have 8 days off to scout and kill a buck.
Did some shooting at 60 yards to get more comfortable. It's slowly dialing in.
Today, nothing. Last night I pulled the strings and cables off my Evolve and shimmed the cams. Had an issue when I was bareshaft tuning on paper to get it close and in order to get a semi close bullet hole my Hamskea Trinity was pushed all the way left. I'm talkin absolutely zero more movement that direction. First time shimming so it was a little nerve wracking but turned out okay. If I feel decent tonight I'll shoot it more and see if I can get it dead on.
Went and shot at the Ben Avery Hill Courses today. Got much more comfortable at 50 yards and 60 is getting there. 70 and out is going to need a lot of work.