Got the bow tuned post-break in. Switched to 125 gr points and heads to bring total weight up to ~450gr. Bought my broadheads, 1.125”, 3 blade Montecs. Shot two dozen arrows when I got home. Im not in quite as much of a hurry as many in here - I think I’ll just be hunting whitetail this year in October and December.
Took a part-time job in our local archery pro shop. Im in my 4th week there and am learning so much about tuning, maintaining and shooting my bow. I always had the shop do most of the work on my compounds and its great to now know how to do it myself. Plus I get to hang out with a few nationally ranked shooters and pick their brains. All in all, I cannot call it a job, just a great opportunity.
Currently working on getting myself a few Programming certificates so that I can earn a better paycheck which in the long run will allow me more hunting opportunities, These things cost money after all!
Yesterday, push mowed under all our trees. Learned a great lesson about checking your socks for balls of lint. Swam at the pool with the kids. Shot the bow.
Just finished the Tradquest interview with Jerry Stout. I happened upon it, don't shoot a trade bow, but it would have saved me years of effort if I have found it when it was new.
If you are a desert mule deer hunter you owe it to yourself to find it and pay attention.