I struck gold! Never gave his books much thought, but dang, they are pretty dang good. The Guide to Wilderness Skills and Survival is a great book for the less experienced backwoods hunters. I really appreciate the walk through explaining different gear options. IE, if your trying to do this, looks for gear featuring these options. For someone just getting into more of the backcountry hunting, its a invaluable resources to get pointed in the right direction. Im still reading through the first chapters, so ill see how good the rest of the book is, but so far I'm hooked!
Someone who has more experience than me in the backwoods will have to comment on if it's still a good buy for those who have hunted in the backwoods their entire life... Ill be trying some of the recipes in the cookbook for sure, cant wait to see how they turn out!
I got gear throughout the year as well for a Aug Caribou hunt, and Nov Kodiak Blacktails.