Hey Gang,
1. To show the current economic facts, my next post will show SOME of the current economic effects directly due to COVID-19...as of yesterday...from the WSJ, Barron's, the BBC, and World Economic Forum
2. I hope COVID-19 doesn't cancel my Yukon sheep hunt in August...too early to tell.
3. As one who has worked in the Medical Field since the 1980's, IMO "this time it's different", especially as I'm less than 5 years from retirement and have "been there, done that, seen it all". BTW, my "Stop-Loss" orders kicked in on my 401K, 457b, and SEP-IRA Monday morning...wasn't too happy about it THEN, but with the carnage over the week and at Friday's closing, I'm glad that over 50% is NOW in US Treasuries...at least until the dust settles, and IMO it will take at least 2-3 quarters, or more, if we normalize.
Here is some light reading from, again, one of Ronald Reagan's (a true leader and one of my heroes, yet still a human capable of admitting his mistakes) staffers/speech writers, Peggy Noonan, in this morning's WSJ:
Trump Isn’t Easing Coronavirus Forebodings
If it hits America hard, a lot will change—the national mood, cultural habits, the economy.
-- The Wall Street Journal: February 27, 2020
I’ve got a feeling the coronavirus is going to be bad, that it will have a big impact on America, more than we imagine, and therefore on its politics. As this is written the virus is reported in 48 nations. We’ve had a first case with no known source, in California, and the state is monitoring some 8,400 others for possible infection. Canada has 13 cases. There have been outbreaks in Iran and Italy; in Rome, there are worries because Pope Francis had to cancel a Lenten Mass due to what the Vatican called a “slight indisposition.”
There’s a lot we don’t know but much we do. We know coronavirus is highly communicable, that person-to-person transmission is easy and quick. Most who get it won’t even know they’re sick—it feels like a cold and passes. But about 20% will get really sick. Among them, mortality rates are low but higher than for the flu, and higher still among those who are older or impaired.
So it’s serious: A lot of people will be exposed and a significant number will be endangered. And of course there’s no vaccine.
We live in a global world. Everybody’s going everyplace all the time. Nothing is contained in the ways it used to be. It seems to me impossible that there are not people walking along the streets in the U.S. who have it, don’t know it and are spreading it.
Americans are focusing. If you go to Amazon.com you famously find that the best face masks are no longer available, but check out the prices of hand sanitizers. They appear to be going up rather sharply! (Note to Jeff Bezos: if this turns bad and people start making accusations about price gouging and profiteers, public sentiment won’t just be hard on manufacturers, they’ll blame you too. Whatever downward pressure can be applied, do it now, not later.)
If you limit your focus to politics, to 2020 election outcomes, you find yourself thinking this: Maybe it’s all being decided not in the next few weeks of primaries but in the next few weeks of the virus, how much it spreads, and how it’s handled.
If coronavirus becomes a formally recognized world-wide pandemic, and if it hits America hard, it is going to change a lot—the national mood, our cultural habits, the economy.
The president has been buoyed the past few years by a kind of inflatable raft of good economic news and strengths. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 8,581 points from the day he took office to the beginning of 2020. Unemployment is down so far it feels like full employment. Minority employment is up, incomes are up. He’s running for re-election based on these things.
But the stock market is being hit hard by virus-driven concerns. If those fears continue—and there’s no reason to believe they won’t—the gains the president has enjoyed could be wiped out.
As for unemployment, if the virus spreads people will begin to self-distance. If they shop less, if they stay home more and eat out less, and begin to cancel personal gatherings—if big professional events and annual meetings are also canceled—it will carry a whole world of bad implications.
What I notice as a traveler in America is the number of people who make a traveler’s life easier, and whose jobs
depend on heavy travel—all the people in the airport shops and concessions, and those who work in hotels. There’s the woman whose small flower shop makes the arrangements for the donor reception at the community forum, and the floor managers, waiters and waitresses at the charity fundraising dinner. Local contractors, drivers, the sound man who wires the dinner speaker. Many are part of the gig economy, operating without the protections of contracts and unions. If the virus spreads and events are canceled, they will be out of jobs. And that’s just one sliver of American life.
In a public-health crisis the role of government is key. The question will be—the question
is—are the president and his administration up to it?
Our scientists and health professionals are. (I think people see Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health as the de facto president on this.) Is Donald Trump? Or has he finally met a problem he can’t talk his way out of? I have written in the past questioning whether he can lead and reassure the nation in a time of crisis. We are about to find out.
Leaders in crises function as many things. They are primary givers of information, so they have to know the facts. They have to be serious: They must master the data. Are they managerially competent? Most of all, are they trustworthy and credible?
Or do people get the sense they’re spinning, finagling, covering up failures and shading the facts?
It is in crisis that you see the difference between showmanship and leadership.
Early signs are not encouraging. The messaging early this week was childish—
everything’s under control, everything’s fine. The president’s news conference Wednesday night was not reassuring. Stock market down? “I think the financial markets are very upset when they look at the Democratic candidates standing on that stage making fools out of themselves.” “The risk to the American people remains very low.” “Whatever happens we’re totally prepared.” “There’s no reason to panic, because we have done so good.”
It was inadequate to the task.
I wonder if the president understands what jeopardy he’s in, how delicate even strong economies are, and how provisional good fortune is.
If you want to talk about what could make a progressive win the presidency it couldn’t be a better constellation than this: an epidemic, an economic downturn, a broad sense of public anxiety, and an incumbent looking small. Especially if the progressive says he stands for one big thing, health care for everyone.
The only candidate to bring up the threat of coronavirus at the Democratic debate the other night was Mike Bloomberg. This is how you’ll know the fact of the virus has hit the political class: Politicians will stop doing what they’ve done for more than two centuries. They’ll stop shaking hands. It will be a new world of waving, nodding emphatically, and patting your chest with your hand.
It would be extremely reassuring if a temporary armistice were called in the cold war between the White House and congressional Democrats. If the virus is as serious as I think it is, no one will look back kindly on anyone who acted small.