I think the danger in allowing businesses to make that decision is, all will choose to stay open. If they choose to stay open, but employees choose to stay home, the employee will be fired.
We have a winner. I haven't really posted in this thread and what I have has generally been sarcastic but this right here is why businesses are being forced to shutdown. If I get sick, I can call in but after 3 days I have to have a doctors note. So at most I can take three days of this off and then have to risk losing my part time job. All those that are complaining about destroying the economy. Think of what will happen when a bunch of people lose their income because they get sick and no longer have a job.
For all those that complain about a lock down. Do you think this is martial law? Do you think you are going to get two to the dome if you fart in the wrong direction? Look at the places that have implemented it. You can still go outside and do things. Go shed hunting, go for a walk, go for a hike, drive to all those places you have wanted to see. Just stay away from people. Let me to tell a story of what they want to prevent.
I worked both Saturday and Sunday at the gun store I work nights and weekends at. People are just in there looking. Not buying things, no need to be there, just looking. I had a father and son in there that looked at no less than fifteen guns. Not to buy one, just looking. They literally were there for an hour finger ******* every box of ammo and gun they could touch. This is what they want you not to do. Go places if you need too, not because you want too. Stay home and stay away from people. Doesn't mean you need to lock yourself in the bathroom. Just go places because you need to, not because your bored.
For those that say it makes you American to say "**** the system" and we do things our way. It does, that is the American way and I am proud of that. It also makes you American to sacrifice your wants and desire for the "greater good." I put that in quotes because I think that term has been conflated to have a bad connotation but I mean it as a greater good for our country, our people. We like to use the WW2 era as our American heroes, and they are. Look at what they gave up to fight a war to save the world, not just the US. They were sent half way around this world to die in places we cant even pronounce. The family's back home gave up fuel, sugar, washing machines, etc. We tout them as heroes and say things like "this is not what they fought for" when we are asked to stay away from people. Give me a break, they gave up more than we can even imagine and we bitch about we what are asked.
For those that want to compare this to other things, I agree, the numbers we are seeing arent even close to the deaths caused by other things. Some of those things are a choice, we dont have that luxury with this. We do not choose this. For the example of car crashes, I agree the numbers are significantly higher but we have things in place to limit and reduce those. Think air bags, seat belts and controlled fail points. How many agree with building codes and safety restrictions while working? I mean after all people use to die all the time in mines, construction and other "accidents" but a death is a death right?