What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Your lucky you can still fish they shut down just about all lobstering here, most of the market was shipped to China with the remainder to local markets and no one is buying tough times for sure, most guys are hauling all their gear in now, clams went from 4.25-.75 a LB it’s not worth going. I hope your fishery stays in tact a lot of guys hurting around here.
we shut down, and commercial crabbing did too.... we shut down Saturday for at least 2 weeks, but I have a feeling it will be longer.

I would way rather spend this quarantine on the ocean, but it's not gonna happen. ocean life is over for everyone for at least a couple weeks.

i'm sure we'll go on a fun run or 2 when the weather is too nice to not, but no work. it stings even worse we left a wide open bite.... such is life right now, i'm not the only one though, we are all collectively in this together.

I have some things I have been procrastinating, so I have no excuse now, and will be asking around if there is any temp work just for something to do. cabin fever is a pretty serious sickness for me, I don't do well with that, but nobody is locking me inside luckily.

I will be spending a good amount of time socially distancing myself in the woods. wish I had some new backpack stuff to test, and go do a few camping trips in the hills. did just place an order at 3rivers, so I have some bow/arrow tinkering to do.
we shut down, and commercial crabbing did too.... we shut down Saturday for at least 2 weeks, but I have a feeling it will be longer.

I would way rather spend this quarantine on the ocean, but it's not gonna happen. ocean life is over for everyone for at least a couple weeks.

i'm sure we'll go on a fun run or 2 when the weather is too nice to not, but no work. it stings even worse we left a wide open bite.... such is life right now, i'm not the only one though, we are all collectively in this together.

I have some things I have been procrastinating, so I have no excuse now, and will be asking around if there is any temp work just for something to do. cabin fever is a pretty serious sickness for me, I don't do well with that, but nobody is locking me inside luckily.

I will be spending a good amount of time socially distancing myself in the woods. wish I had some new backpack stuff to test, and go do a few camping trips in the hills. did just place an order at 3rivers, so I have some bow/arrow tinkering to do.

The commercial guys have it rough around here even before this so many new regulations to keep up with every year it seems like they just want everyone to give up. Time in the woods is always good I put my son in the pack Saturday and almost did 8 miles it was beautiful out, I couldn’t believe how many people I bumped into, I found a great spot to shoot my gun in no mans land and set targets and just before I started shooting I climbed up the bank to see a guy and two dogs sitting down having lunch in waist high briars. I work in Boston harbor and the only boats moving are tugs and fuel barges no other activity, hope your back to work soon man. They just issued shelter in place here my brother is a game warden and they told him to drop all cases no patrolling and assist the state police, state police were issued a non proactive order only reactive no motor vehicle stops or patrols just responding to calls, they seem to think it’s going to be the Wild West pretty soon.
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We've seen those options before in other forms........"perceived safety at the expense of liberty".

This is America........or used to be America. Why not let the businesses make their own decisions about staying open. And then let Americans make their own decisions about going to these places of business or not. And also allow those Americans to isolate or not isolate if they so choose.

But, but, but.......everyone will die! That's a possibility. But at least they went out being an American.

I think the danger in allowing businesses to make that decision is, all will choose to stay open. If they choose to stay open, but employees choose to stay home, the employee will be fired.
Crashed the economy probably destroying many folks near retirements dreams, if the market rebounds they will be ok if not they are screwed. Also our overlords are about to drop over 1 trillion stimulus package that will go to people making less than what 70g a year and then the rest goes to all the big wig company's. Now hearing rumors of doing away with the FED and going back to gold standard.. Crazy times ahead folks.. Also so far we have yet to have a positive covid-19 test at our facility of the patients the CDC has approved us to test.
I saw some pictures and videos of the Oregon coast this weekend. It was busier than a 80 degree day in summer! There was a pic of the beach at Pelican Brewery. As far as the eye could see down the beach was rig after rig. I've drank there when it was picture perfect weather on a Saturday and there weren't nearly that amount of rigs lined down that beach.. I agree we will be getting a lockdown. Sounds like it will be announced today.
yeah, it would have been nice to see some people act like they were trying..... not the case. the Hotels are capitalizing by using this as a marketing scheme..... just making sure we go on lockdown because we cannot act responsibly.

all of this is going to prolong the shutdown, because it's obvious people won't try and obviously need regulations to keep them acting with caution.
I think common sense could get us a long ways, but people just aren't willing to use it, so we all get blanket restrictions.... it's not surprising but is irritating.

there is now a pretty good contrast from around the world about how to deal with this..... running around in crowds acting like you can't get it or spread it isn't the magic bullet here.

I do think there are other options that may work to keep many businesses open, but we always prove we aren't smart enough to pull it off, so it does turn binary. I do think "we the people" carry a good amount of the blame. as a whole we seem to be incapable of self policing so others have to do it for us.
The commercial guys have it rough around here even before this so many new regulations to keep up with every year it seems like they just want everyone to give up. Time in the woods is always good I put my son in the pack Saturday and almost did 8 miles it was beautiful out, I couldn’t believe how many people I bumped into, I found a great spot to shoot my gun in no mans land and set targets and just before I started shooting I climbed up the bank to see a guy and two dogs sitting down having lunch in waist high briars. I work in Boston harbor and the only boats moving are tugs and fuel barges no other activity, hope your back to work soon man. They just issued shelter in place here my brother is a game warden and they told him to drop all cases no patrolling and assist the state police, state police were issued a non proactive order only reactive no motor vehicle stops or patrols just responding to calls, they seem to think it’s going to be the Wild West pretty soon.
we are headed for the exact same it sounds. spring bear opens on the 1st, and I hope i'm not bothered in that regard, and i'm sure I won't be. sounds like a stay at home order will be announced here today.

glad I live off the beaten path, there is no reason at all for any riff raff to be around here..... hoping this doesn't get too ugly for too long. weird times indeed.

living in the twilight zone
I think the danger in allowing businesses to make that decision is, all will choose to stay open. If they choose to stay open, but employees choose to stay home, the employee will be fired.

We have a winner. I haven't really posted in this thread and what I have has generally been sarcastic but this right here is why businesses are being forced to shutdown. If I get sick, I can call in but after 3 days I have to have a doctors note. So at most I can take three days of this off and then have to risk losing my part time job. All those that are complaining about destroying the economy. Think of what will happen when a bunch of people lose their income because they get sick and no longer have a job.

For all those that complain about a lock down. Do you think this is martial law? Do you think you are going to get two to the dome if you fart in the wrong direction? Look at the places that have implemented it. You can still go outside and do things. Go shed hunting, go for a walk, go for a hike, drive to all those places you have wanted to see. Just stay away from people. Let me to tell a story of what they want to prevent.

I worked both Saturday and Sunday at the gun store I work nights and weekends at. People are just in there looking. Not buying things, no need to be there, just looking. I had a father and son in there that looked at no less than fifteen guns. Not to buy one, just looking. They literally were there for an hour finger ******* every box of ammo and gun they could touch. This is what they want you not to do. Go places if you need too, not because you want too. Stay home and stay away from people. Doesn't mean you need to lock yourself in the bathroom. Just go places because you need to, not because your bored.

For those that say it makes you American to say "**** the system" and we do things our way. It does, that is the American way and I am proud of that. It also makes you American to sacrifice your wants and desire for the "greater good." I put that in quotes because I think that term has been conflated to have a bad connotation but I mean it as a greater good for our country, our people. We like to use the WW2 era as our American heroes, and they are. Look at what they gave up to fight a war to save the world, not just the US. They were sent half way around this world to die in places we cant even pronounce. The family's back home gave up fuel, sugar, washing machines, etc. We tout them as heroes and say things like "this is not what they fought for" when we are asked to stay away from people. Give me a break, they gave up more than we can even imagine and we bitch about we what are asked.

For those that want to compare this to other things, I agree, the numbers we are seeing arent even close to the deaths caused by other things. Some of those things are a choice, we dont have that luxury with this. We do not choose this. For the example of car crashes, I agree the numbers are significantly higher but we have things in place to limit and reduce those. Think air bags, seat belts and controlled fail points. How many agree with building codes and safety restrictions while working? I mean after all people use to die all the time in mines, construction and other "accidents" but a death is a death right?
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Since when does chest thumping and self pontification equate to value?
It doesn't. I don't see that he's doing that. I believe government needs to balance the needs of our safety with our freedoms and liberties. I'm not a rigid liberty and freedom at all times and all costs guy. There are times like now when our Freedoms and Liberties will get temporarily curbed some, like in war. It makes me real queasy, but I understand.
It doesn't. I don't see that he's doing that. I believe government needs to balance the needs of our safety with our freedoms and liberties. I'm not a rigid liberty and freedom at all times and all costs guy. There are times like now when our Freedoms and Liberties will get temporarily curbed some, like in war. It makes me real queasy, but I understand.

Great point, even more saliently made without any chest thumping and self pontification.

It really isnt that difficult, as you proved so easily.
The good old days of mefloquine, it was what we were given back in the nineties in Africa. We were Marines so we had fun with it. Sneak into the marines room that was on shift the night of our weekly dose. Catch them having some wild a$$ dreams. Also found out that they were illegal in the US when the drug dog alerted on my luggage in the Chicago airport.

It (Larium) was handed out like candy during the Vietnam war. No wonder our poor vets had so much ptsd.
Great point, even more saliently made without any chest thumping and self pontification.

It really isnt that difficult, as you proved so easily.
I understand that everyone won't agree with me and that doesn't make them stupid or bad. I certainly don't know everything. I do strive to know the truth, which is a tricky thing. It pains me sometimes to learn the truth and admit I'm wrong.
I can assure you the numbers of positive cases is about to grow exponentially because we have been very limited on who the CDC would allow testing on. Now that more testing will be allowed the number of normal symptomatic pts will be tested and we will see a very high infection rate. But even now those same healthy people are probably walking around with the viris. All these drive through testing centers on TV I dont think are testing for the covid-19 those have to be your normal flu test. Our clovid-19 test is a send off to a lab with 4 day return in results.
Our country is quite literally at war right now. Not in the traditional sense obviously but at war none the less. Standing there professing to do exactly the opposite of what our country needs right now doesnt make you a patriot, it makes you a traitor.

And therein lies the problem.........you have your opinion of what the country needs right now, I have mine, and everyone else has theirs. But if saving as many people as possible from death is what makes America the greatest nation on earth.......isn't that what every other country in the world is trying to do as well? So that's obviously not what differentiates America from everyone else. So would defending and supporting the Constitution at all costs be the traitor, or would ignoring or dismissing the Constitution be the traitor? Answer that and then you'll see the error in your post.
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Comparing shutting down the country, to save lives, due to a novel virus....to sugar and car crashes, is ludicrous at best.

So you agree then........you do value lives and death differently depending on the circumstances. That's exactly what I stated. It's not the comparison that's ludicrous......it's that the differing of value happening in our society that's ludicrous.
And therein lies the problem.........you have your opinion of what the country needs right now, I have mine, and everyone else has theirs. But if saving as many people as possible from death is what makes America the greatest nation on earth.......isn't that what every other country in the world is trying to do as well? So that's obviously not what differentiates America from everyone else.

We haven't welded gates shut and shut down all air traffic so at least we're a little different.
Just rephrasing what you posted to highlight how.....uncommon....the logic was. If kids were kept out of school, it would be virtually impossible in this environment for them to be exposed to more people. But you need data before you can believe that.

Where I live, most people aren't going to work so they have their kids home with them. In this day and age, many people have the capacity to work from home. Very few of.my daughter's friend's grandparents live in the area. But you've decided based on anecdotal evidence that the kids will be shipped off to the grandparents and that will be the standard. No data needed.

It sounds to me like you have a preconception of how this should play out and are trying to justify it.

Where I live most people are going to work. I might have a biased perspective considering that someone considers my work output "essential," along with the work output of my colleagues, some 4500 people locally.

I don't think one size fits all. That's the point of local governance. Unfortunately politicians run the government.
And therein lies the problem.........you have your opinion of what the country needs right now, I have mine, and everyone else has theirs. But if saving as many people as possible from death is what makes America the greatest nation on earth.......isn't that what every other country in the world is trying to do as well? So that's obviously not what differentiates America from everyone else.

Trying doesn't make you great, doing does. And that is where we have the resources to excel. Will we? Only time will tell.
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