What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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If you have a compromised immune system, COPD, or asthma you should be very careful with exposure.
Family is flying to Fort Myers FL next week. Really hoping we can avoid both this and the flu. Guess they are having a really bad flu season there.

I am currently sick with a nasty cold, would really like to avoid being sick again lol
Family is flying to Fort Myers FL next week. Really hoping we can avoid both this and the flu. Guess they are having a really bad flu season there.

I am currently sick with a nasty cold, would really like to avoid being sick again lol

Besides hand washing DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE. Especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.
I tell my patients this all the time! Safe travels my friend..
I have a cold too. Sucks. But no influenza. Hopefully good enough to work Thursday. Speaking to students for a bit tomorrow. Bleh.

Lots going around though, and yes, don't touch your face. Which is way harder than most would think.
I don't know if any of you are math types but the "mortality rate" that has been tossed around is complete BS calculated by some idiot journalists.

They were taking the current infected count of any given day and dividing it by that day's death total. This would only make sense if the virus killed you the same day you got it. The more realistic number would be to use today's death count and divide it by the total infections from roughly 2 weeks ago. The people dying today were probably infected around that time.

Due to the exponential increase in infections over a given two week timeframe, that would mean the actual death rate is significantly higher. Notice that none of the health orgs have given a mortality rate, the numbers floating around are from journalists using the wrong number.

Also, the mortality rate in Iran is reported to be 15% currently on a less than 100 sample size of infected with the same lagging numbers. Viruses mutate very quickly and they very well may have a slightly different strain. The Spanish Flu had 3 waves of different strains with the 2nd being the one with the very high mortality.
3rd world countries will see much higher death rates. . . If this gets a foot hold in Africa it will kill a lot more people. For now we must hope that it is actually slowing in China, and not that they are just reporting less to make it look like they are doing better.

Yes the flu kills people. . . This has the potential to be much worse. If you live rurally, small hospitals could be easily over run, if you live in big cities, large hospitals can be easily over run. You best bet as pointed out before is to be an early infected to insure the best care. . . I won't be trying to self infect early though.

Hopefully a vaccine can be developed ASAP
Nobody understands this that I know, they are stuck on the 2% and shrug their shoulders.

Here is some info, look at end results. . . How many died Vs how many recovered. Those numbers get scary. (Obviously this is the opposite extreme as there are those that are being infected and never seeing a doctor. . . But these are of those positively identified as having the virus


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Here is some info, look at end results. . . How many died Vs how many recovered. Those numbers get scary. (Obviously this is the opposite extreme as there are those that are being infected and never seeing a doctor. . . But these are of those positively identified as having the virus
That’s a 9% death rate. If that number holds this is an extremely deadly virus. I think that rate may be in the ballpark judging by the Chinese reaction. You don’t crash your economy for even a bad cold that only kills the already chronically ill and old.
That’s a 9% death rate. If that number holds this is an extremely deadly virus. I think that rate may be in the ballpark judging by the Chinese reaction. You don’t crash your economy for even a bad cold that only kills the already chronically ill and old.
Exactly. You can bet we are hearing a watered down version from China while they're trying to save face.
Exactly. You can bet we are hearing a watered down version from China while they're trying to save face.
I’m betting it’s from the level 4 biolab in Wuhan. Not a finished weapon but something they were working on. I’m not sure if it actually kills Asians at a higher rate but that wouldn’t surprise me. Asian genes is what they would have easy access to work with. Maybe the bat , monkey or whatever animal was sold at market by the disposal personnel or the animal escaped. There was a lot of concern about the lab when the French helped the Chinese build the lab due to the cultural habit for cutting corners and corruption of the Chinese. I don’t think for a minute it was a purposeful release. Any country with the ability to make a weaponized synthetic virus would recognize that it’s not controllable and would blow back.
I have a very crazy theory: Maybe, just maybe, the Chinese government is trying to kill off their aging and old population due to the heavy burdens on their socialistic system of government. They really shot themselves in the foot with the 1 child policy so that now there are not enough people to pay for this aging population. Here is a link describing who is dying from the virus: https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-death-age-older-people-higher-risk-2020-2

Meanwhile, here is a graph:


See a pattern here?

By creating a virus particular to the older population, they effective "remove" the problem.
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