I keep seeing more and more pop up about the bioweapons facility in Wuhan. . . Anybody taking bets on this being something accidentally released Vs something that crossed from animals to people?
It will be classified as a pandemic within 2 weeks, to much spread is occuring for it not to. Also the possibility that it is running rampant in Iran with little to no health care systems to stop it. The US will be ok so long as health care facilities aren't stretched too far.
If you aren't taking it seriously I would start at least doing some basic prep. Extra food, masks if you can find some, save some sick time. Hopefully spring comes and it dies out like the flu, but if not it could get ugly. 2.3% death rate being reported in China could be anything. But even at face value, virus with no immunities in the population = high infection rate. 300 million people in the US. If you use low numbers it's like the flu and infects 43 million. . . Of those the flu would kill 61,000 (flu #s 2018). Corona virus kills just shy of 1 million. Now extrapolate . . . 50% infection rate gives you 150 mil infected and and 3.45mil dead from the virus.
Here's the bigger issue. China will make its health care workers go to work, and it's municipal workers, and bankers, etc. In the US we have freedom, you can make people go to work, they could call in sick for 2 weeks straight, or burn vacay and sick time. The real potential for bad shit is if it gets to spreading in controlled and the US people decide "F that" I'm staying home. Then they system grinds to a halt and we start to realize all of the things we rely on when they aren't working right!
And of course there is the possibility of virus mutation . . . But I don't want to think about that