What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I think in a few months no will be talking about it anymore. Within 9 most of that we'll be onto the next crisis that is going to kill us all.

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Within 9 months..one of us will be that dumbass I was referring to..I hope it’s me.
Who frvckin knows. We’ve all lived in pretty good times.

At some point people that grind up rhino horns for lead in their pencil and eat food with sticks, crammed into mega cities might live a slightly less healthy lifestyle then over here

then again if ur hammering funyons and Dew you might want to be concerned. The gas mask will be a good investment.

China has had a lot of rumblings from different separatist movements. this quenches all that in one fell swoop. The state creates it, the state fixes it. It’s always about the state. They won’t waste a crisis
Who frvckin knows. We’ve all lived in pretty good times.

At some point people that grind up rhino horns for lead in their pencil and eat food with sticks, crammed into mega cities might live a slightly less healthy lifestyle then over here

then again if ur hammering funyons and Dew you might want to be concerned. The gas mask will be a good investment.

China has had a lot of rumblings from different separatist movements. this quenches all that in one fell swoop. The state creates it, the state fixes it. It’s always about the state. They won’t waste a crisis

Barry Soetoro would agree.

Totalitarian governments never let a crisis go to waste whether it was manufactured or not

I keep seeing more and more pop up about the bioweapons facility in Wuhan. . . Anybody taking bets on this being something accidentally released Vs something that crossed from animals to people?

It will be classified as a pandemic within 2 weeks, to much spread is occuring for it not to. Also the possibility that it is running rampant in Iran with little to no health care systems to stop it. The US will be ok so long as health care facilities aren't stretched too far.

If you aren't taking it seriously I would start at least doing some basic prep. Extra food, masks if you can find some, save some sick time. Hopefully spring comes and it dies out like the flu, but if not it could get ugly. 2.3% death rate being reported in China could be anything. But even at face value, virus with no immunities in the population = high infection rate. 300 million people in the US. If you use low numbers it's like the flu and infects 43 million. . . Of those the flu would kill 61,000 (flu #s 2018). Corona virus kills just shy of 1 million. Now extrapolate . . . 50% infection rate gives you 150 mil infected and and 3.45mil dead from the virus.

Here's the bigger issue. China will make its health care workers go to work, and it's municipal workers, and bankers, etc. In the US we have freedom, you can make people go to work, they could call in sick for 2 weeks straight, or burn vacay and sick time. The real potential for bad shit is if it gets to spreading in controlled and the US people decide "F that" I'm staying home. Then they system grinds to a halt and we start to realize all of the things we rely on when they aren't working right!

And of course there is the possibility of virus mutation . . . But I don't want to think about that
Now that it has a hold in S.Korea we should get some accurate info on it. I believe they have mandatory draft/military service and that they stopped conscription. They do not want it to get spread within their military.
The United States could have stopped this crap from getting into this country instead our government has flown in hundreds of sick and potentially sick people, WTH are they thinking? Why would you put our country and the people in it at this kind of risk? I’ve said from day one, do not allow people with this virus in here.
I usually take my family on Caribbean vacation each year. Decided to hold off on booking it this year to see how this all plays out to keep from being around possibly infected people at the airports. Now it looks like the people from the evacuated cruise ship are going to be brought to Anniston Alabama. That is 30 minutes from my house. Not happy at all.
It's spreading everywhere and now they are talking about quarantine time frame of 27 days instead of 14. So all the people they've let out of quarantine at 14 might be spreading it after going home all over the globe. And apparently someone that never gets sick can transmit it (???). Gonna be watching this real close. Got your N95 masks?
Almost a dozen towns in Lombardy and Veneto Italy with a combined population of some 50,000 have effectively been placed under quarantine.
Nearly 80k confirmed cases now...I fly out to Florida next week. I guess the CDC is monitoring a good number of people down there for it.

On top of that, it's really bad flu season there as well.
Global leaders have allowed human travel in the midst of an infectious disease crisis. Acquiescing to the few, sparing them the inconvenience of containment, and putting the masses at risk. SMH

We have established, if we face a true infectious disease crisis with the ability to annihilate the masses, we don't have the ability to contain it. COVID-19 has proved that. Hopefully, moving forward world leaders have learned something from this trial run. Unlikely IMHO.
Most recent overall mortality rate 3.3%.
Regional variations to be expected.
Some regions > 5% (Wuhan).

As temperatures and humidity increase viral activity will begin to stagnate and eventually drop off.
This is one advantage of the Spring warm up!
I doubt China is being honest with the world. If the media dug into this like they dig into trump we might have more info.
Naw...even right in the woo tang clang or whatever the stupid cities exact name is the mortality rate is only like 5%.

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5% Right now yes, When facilities and personnel are overrun and sick,and treatment isn’t readily available..that’s when it goes up..a month ago death rate was 1%, now 5.. that’s

This might be natural, might be weapon, if it is a weapon it was designed to spread and take ppl out slowly, only strong and healthy survivor? Idk.. China’s version of population control? Who knows.. sure does suck.

Shit, meet fan.
well, i cancelled my trip last night. i suppose i can unpack now. i was ready to jump on a plane this friday.

whatever the truth is,..moot point. Tokyo wouldnt be fun anymore. people are on mandatory work from home orders. screw that...
Italy still doesn't know who their patient zero is, that is scary. I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV but there are certainly some troubling signs.

It is truly incredible how one virus that started in one city with 1 person can alter the world. The economy is taking a hit.

Like some others have said, if you don't have any food preps now would be a good time to do so. things could get hairy here as quickly as they have in Italy.
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