What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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We’re all locked down here in ca but nothing seems much different just no restaurants, bars or gyms. I don’t think they have enforced any of this lockdown so nobody is really following the rules there sure is a lot of chatter on my facebook about fishing this weekend

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Currently here in CA, essential chores and work are allowed under the stay at home, so is going for walks/runs/hikes as long as you can maintain safe distance from others. Got a few close LE friends who all have extra bags packed to pull double duty if it gets crazy or a shift gets sick, but so far they only report people trying to go into places they arent supposed to. Not a ton to enforce, currently.
Fiance went on a hike with one of her best friends today, who is an ICU nurse in a Seattle area hospital. She said they only have 20 cases right now, all on ventilators, and they're treating patients with chloroquine.
Just got off my first shift back at the ER since going on vacation when this stuff hit here. All I can say is their is simply no way no way in Hell the CDC knows how many people have this viris. Maybe different areas of the country have more test available etc.. I will not disclose anything else but to say folks who visit an ER are all getting tested for this viris is total B.S..
Just got off my first shift back at the ER since going on vacation when this stuff hit here. All I can say is their is simply no way no way in Hell the CDC knows how many people have this viris. Maybe different areas of the country have more test available etc.. I will not disclose anything else but to say folks who visit an ER are all getting tested for this viris is total B.S..

Couldn't agree more. I am only testing those who meet CDC criteria or are high-risk. Very limited kits available! Fight on my friend. Back to the front.
Same where we are and what shocked me is how much "criteria " had to be met before a text could be done and sent off.. Drop in the bucket being tested.
Yep. That’s their “plot” to slow the spread. If you don’t get tested you don’t have it. 15,000 “cases”. Probably 10-20 times that easily. And I’m sure the are far from accurate like the flu test.

Same where we are and what shocked me is how much "criteria " had to be met before a text could be done and sent off.. Drop in the bucket being tested.
This thing is insanely contagious. It will be interesting what the numbers show by the end.

Italy just passed china for # of dead. China leveled off (supposedly) but they locked down a few hundred million people fairly quickly.
Free societies may not be able to pull that off....spring breakers are about to go back home which will really accelerate the rise of infections. I was very skeptical of restrictions but now I realize that they may be the best solution.
My son is a paramedic and I hope he stays safe but he is 100% likely to contract kung flu.
Italy just passed china for # of dead. China leveled off (supposedly) but they locked down a few hundred million people fairly quickly.
Free societies may not be able to pull that off....spring breakers are about to go back home which will really accelerate the rise of infections. I was very skeptical of restrictions but now I realize that they may be the best solution.
My son is a paramedic and I hope he stays safe but he is 100% likely to contract kung flu.

numbers say 95% of cases are mild, 5% severe. If he gets it, hopefully the numbers are in his side. The wife’s hospital has 3 cases. Yay.
If these allegations are true and this Senator dumped his stocks using pre crisis intel, he should get the guillotine.

Uhhhh.......I was dumping stocks even before he was, and I wasn't part of any daily intel briefings on the virus. So how can one be insider trading and the other just simple observation trading?
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