What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Death rate will not be known until it’s over because a lot of people who are infected that will die just haven’t yet.

Sounds like it’s pretty bad over there, a lot worse than they are reporting. There’s also a lot of talk about why people outside of China aren’t dying at the same rate. One of the theories being that the air quality is so bad over there that most patients’ lungs are already compromised.

Saw this link on another board. Not great.

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Not to sound like an Azz, but there is a benefit to it happening in a place like China. Their government is not bogged down with rights and freedoms of an individual. Their ability to quarantine 50million people in a matter of days is unmatched. Of course it sucks for the people within the quarantine area, but it is effective.

As I recall, China took some pretty drastic steps to contain SARS too.

A political figure here in Canada essentially said that they wouldn't even attempt that here. They'd rather expose the whole country to the infection then try to quarantine even a single city.
I would think china is under reporting the # of cases and deaths by a huge amount. I believe that they have something like 50 million people quarantined in whole city quarantines.
BTW, the US citizens being brought back to the USA from china by the US government are all being quarantined at military bases for something like 4 weeks.

one of the quarantine locations is about 35 minutes from my house. If it is as bad as everyone is making it seem I would prefer they stay in China.
I actually went to Fleet Farm and Menards this weekend for some odds and ends and was going to pick up a few masks. All of their N95 and P100 masks were gone...lol preppers have started buying up everything.
Truthfully anyone that has been in China recently should be quarantined for a month min. Yeah I get it’s a burden but better then killing thousands. Also anyone that has been on a plane with anyone traveling back as well.

Exactly, but the problem is that DA’s all over the world still have to travel all over the place so this thing will never be contained. People need to keep their arses home for some time right now.

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So this little flu doesn't seem like it's going away. Looks like a large uptick in cases in South Korea, Japan and Iran this week.
I actually went to Fleet Farm and Menards this weekend for some odds and ends and was going to pick up a few masks. All of their N95 and P100 masks were gone...lol preppers have started buying up everything.
that isnt it. its the opportunity folks. they are buying them up and selling them online for a massive profit.
on a more personal level. i have had airline tickets in my pocket for damn near half a year. to Taipei and Tokyo. then the mofoing!#@$!#%!^%!@$#@!!! flu shows up and the news media runs with it.

i am supposed to get on the plane in a week. my contacts in both places still claim the news here is blowing it up.
on a more personal level. i have had airline tickets in my pocket for damn near half a year. to Taipei and Tokyo. then the mofoing!#@$!#%!^%!@$#@!!! flu shows up and the news media runs with it.

i am supposed to get on the plane in a week. my contacts in both places still claim the news here is blowing it up.

Well if you run the numbers, it’s not that big of a deal right now. I mean a billion people, 30k cases or so, it’s not like everyone. But being stuck or put in quarantine for 2 weeks in a Chinese hospital would suck pretty bad as well. Odds are you won’t get it, but the possible inconveniences would be a pain.
This is the time of year that plane loads of Asians fly to Fairbanks to conceive a child under the Aurora Borealis.
We don't need tourism all that badly!
I think the news is blowing it up. I also think China is lying. Half of me wants to stock up on canned goods, first aid, and ammo. The other half wants to work on a retirement plan and save money for hunts I haven’t taken.

if it hits hard on US soil, everybody that don’t prepare some will feel like a total dumbass.. if it don’t than those that do have to eat a shit ton of can food.

I settled in middle ground, buying semi long term supplies, making plans, while saving for hunts.. re routed the saving money to SHTF money..

if it does hit hard on US soil, then the first wave will seem as bad, mortality rate will be low.. but once the hospitals fill up, and staff becomes infected and help isn’t t available the death rate will shoot up to 10-15%.. followed by all sorts of horrible shit..

Feel silly for worrying so much, because I usually don’t worry about world problems (idk why) but this is different. This thing don’t give a shit who/where/race/religion you are..
NPR was just saying that there is an are in South Korea that has been hit pretty hard, something to do with a church group. They also said South Korea has all military holding in place/not allowed to move around the country.

This is also interesting:
(Reuters) - A 20-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, traveled 400 miles(675 km) north to Anyang where she infected five relatives, without ever showing signs of infection, Chinese scientists reported on Friday, offering new evidence that the virus can be spread asymptomatically.
Why canned food when we have 300 lbs of frozen wild game? I think the big concern would be a run on grocery stores, hardwear stores etc. Considering how infectious this seems to be, large percentages of the world could be infected.
Why canned food when we have 300 lbs of frozen wild game? I think the big concern would be a run on grocery stores, hardwear stores etc. Considering how infectious this seems to be, large percentages of the world could be infected.

I wish I had 300lbs of game frozen. I didn't get the chance to hunt elk last year and these CA bucks are skinny! Worst comes to worst, the wild hog population will have to work instead.
The carnage and rioting that would unfold at shopping centers would be epic if the system crashed. Hurricane Katrina type stuff times 1000.
If anyone believes the numbers the Chinese government is releasing, I have some ocean front property in Idaho I’ll make you a hell of a deal on 😎
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