What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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My family members have served and died for this country. For the right that I could live free and make my own choices.

You have been pushing your side of things in this thread for many pages back. It is my right if I want to work or stay home. Not the governments or yours.

The government or you are not going to help me pay my mortgage. I as many need to work and create income. All the need to do this or should have done that talk will not stop that.

You and others can run all the numbers you want. It will not change the fact that the virus will be a small percentage of the disaster that will be.

Why should other people be at an increased risk because you dont have a rainy day fund? If family is number one you should have one. And if you have one you shouldn't be contributing to the problem.
Why should other people be at an increased risk because you dont have a rainy day fund? If family is number one you should have one. And if you have one you shouldn't be contributing to the problem.

Again another person telling me how to live my life. Just because you think your better than me and many others, Reality check. Not all are as well off as you.

Reality is no work is no pay and families fall. The virus outbreak numbers are speculation.
Again another person telling me how to live my life. Just because you think your better than me and many others, Reality check. Not all are as well off as you.

I absolutely dont think I'm better than you. But I do disagree on the plan of action on this. I guess well know who was right in a few months hopefully.
So you stay home and I and others go to work. That is America. Quit telling others what to do with their lives.

So you stay home and I and others go to work. That is America. Quit telling others what to do with their lives.

You make a strong case study for the strengths of the chinese political system during a crisis. You'd end up in a metal box on the back of a pickup headed to quarantine real quick so you arent a danger to those around you.
You stay at home with your head in the sand.

Many families have a 100% chance they will be devastated by staying home for 8 weeks. The American economy will suffer greatly too . Getting the Kung flu is a way less of a percentage chance. You do that math and take the risk you feel acceptable. We will do the same.
The arrogance from this guy and too many other Americans is what could escalate this virus from where it is now to the seemingly outlandish projections that experts are making.

It is a strange time to be alive when there are so many people who seem to think they know more than experts. Not surprisingly, the majority lack even a rudimentary understanding of the topic at hand. I would be interested in what a crash course in epidemiology from this guy would entail.
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Just heard from the Meateater Crew that the CDC is studying Ryan Callaghan’s mustache. In addition to imparting “weapons grade sex appeal”, it appears that his mustache can filter and kill all know airborne pathogens. They are attempting to replicate its powers to combat the corona virus.

I am intelligent enough to know that something that is 80x more likely to kill you is more dangerous than something that is 80x less likely to kill you.

Do you assert that driving is more dangerous than skydiving? What about prescription drug abuse? What about stabbing yourself in the eye?
The models I am seeing so far show 70,000 cases and 1,500 deaths. To early really to tell and more data is better. Time will tell. I believe the containment procedures will do their job.

Again, those 70k cases are TOTAL since the start. If they ain’t dead, they are RECOVERED. This is a major mistep by CDC, WHO because we are only seeing numbers rise as if this condition is PERMANENT!! It is NOT!!! It gives the impression that things are only getting worse and not better.
The arrogance from this guy and too many other Americans is what could escalate this virus from where it is now to the seemingly outlandish projections that experts are making.

It is a strange time to be alive when there are so many people who seem to think they know more than experts. Not surprisingly, the majority lack even a rudimentary understanding of the topic at hand. I would be interested in what a crash course in epidemiology from this guy would entail.
This event has made it clear the experts don’t have a clue either. Secondly this is such a fluid situation I don’t expect them to know their ass from a hole in the ground right at this point. We are making decisions based on if’s” and “could”.
This event has made it clear the experts don’t have a clue either. Secondly this is such a fluid situation I don’t expect them to know their ass from a hole in the ground right at this point. We are making decisions based on if’s” and “could”.

You make decisions with the information you have at hand. And if it isn't much, or isn't reliable, you add conservatism to your decision making. This is like crisis management 101.
You won't ever see the infection rate or death tolls climb because of the containment protocols already deployed. Not containing this would have been a lot worse, IMO.

Yes, you would. India, Libya, etc. No containment there so if this really is that bad it's just a matter of time.
Roughly 10% death rate in Italy.. that is what we are trying to avoid. It exploded there because they didnt take it seriously.
Seattle just announced shut down of all restaurants and bars. They are gonna need to raise taxes so you can help pay for their bailout
Our taxes are already some of the highest in the nation so I really hope they don’t raise them more. They moved the limit on gatherings from 250 down to 50 last night too so lots of job sites will probably shut down. The one problem with everything being shut down and schools closed is people are still out and about like it’s a snow day or vacation which defeats the purpose of closing everything down to try and prevent the spread.

The restaurants and bars can only be open for pickup or delivery so when I stopped for coffee today they took all the chairs and tables out with a sign saying grab and go only. Lots of businesses are going to feel this financially. One positive is there is zero traffic going to work the past week.
You make decisions with the information you have at hand. And if it isn't much, or isn't reliable, you add conservatism to your decision making. This is like crisis management 101.
Yeah I am familiar. The only problem is there is no
conservatism taking place.
Our taxes are already some of the highest in the nation so I really hope they don’t raise them more. They moved the limit on gatherings from 250 down to 50 last night too so lots of job sites will probably shut down. The one problem with everything being shut down and schools closed is people are still out and about like it’s a snow day or vacation which defeats the purpose of closing everything down to try and prevent the spread.

The restaurants and bars can only be open for pickup or delivery so when I stopped for coffee today they took all the chairs and tables out with a sign saying grab and go only. Lots of businesses are going to feel this financially. One positive is there is zero traffic going to work the past week.

I’m not saying I think they should, I’m just saying after they get done raising the National Dept, states go in debt, they will be looking for some extra cash.

I’m headed to the beach, it’s quiet there, I can distance myself no problem. Fish are CV19 free, so I think I can still kiss them
Yes, you would. India, Libya, etc. No containment there so if this really is that bad it's just a matter of time.
Gotcha. I was only talking about China and the US per your post. Of course, places without containment procedures yet will see a larger rise and impact.
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