What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Apr 8, 2020
If Memorial weekend has shown us anything it is people are over this social distancing/stay at home order stuff. The news was pushing doom and gloom this morning.
Nov 13, 2014
I've been camping and hiking in the same area for the last 20 plus memorial day weekends and I'd say there was an increase of use that's 8-10 times what I've seen in the past. Everyone from out of the area or state. The amount of people hiking was amazing for this area.


Jun 18, 2014
A couple of things the flu has taught us:

1. You can't trust anyone for factual information. CDC, any news channel, elected officials, etc. They all have an agenda and manipulate numbers to their benefit.
2. People are lemmings. It truly amazes me that the average person is not capable of thought that does not originate in their belly or below their waist.

Do you think the average person (or above average for that matter) has enough knowledge in infectious disease, epidemiology, and UR disease, treatment, or expected outcomes to form an even mildly valid or coherent thought on this topic?

I, personally, have a terminal degree in a Healthcare field and I'm nowhere near the level of being able to understand this thing enough to criticize and dismiss those with much higher levels of training in the subject than myself.

Nor is my best internet research a substitute for the recommendations from actual experts in this subject matter...

Armchair quarterbacks F'ing kill me...


Mar 7, 2020
If Memorial weekend has shown us anything it is people are over this social distancing/stay at home order stuff. The news was pushing doom and gloom this morning.
I never thought Alabama would have much of an issue as this state is spread out population wise and it's hot here for most of the year. Now it's the new hot spot.

The ICUs in the southern part of the state were full prior to the start of this weekend and it will be the heaviest hit area from out of towners. It will be interesting to see what happens two weeks from now. If UAB gets over run it will basically become an Italy type scenario as Auburn will have its own issues and Huntsville is a long ways to transport patients from the Montgomery area.
Feb 20, 2020
Bingo ^ @307

Also interesting that no one talks to people that have treated COVID19 patients in the ICU before arriving to these thoughts.

I'm not surprised with the direction this thread has trended, but as an RN I have a very different perspective. And even though I'm 31 and healthy, I REALLY don't want to get COVID19


Apr 17, 2020
I have respect for the opinions of health care workers. I do however want to point out, typical workers in that field are seeing only the worst % of Covid-19 patients. I would expect them to lean more to the cautious side.
Nov 13, 2014
If Memorial weekend has shown us anything it is people are over this social distancing/stay at home order stuff. The news was pushing doom and gloom this morning.
I'm long over it. I gave an out of state hiker from New York a lift this morning. He was nice enough to ask if he needed a mask and I declined. We crossed paths on the trail with two guys from Baltimore that were easily in their 70's. People have grown tired of this.
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Bingo ^ @307

Also interesting that no one talks to people that have treated COVID19 patients in the ICU before arriving to these thoughts.

I'm not surprised with the direction this thread has trended, but as an RN I have a very different perspective. And even though I'm 31 and healthy, I REALLY don't want to get COVID19
So, the hundreds of doctors who are treating it daily that’s reported on it meanS nothing? But, a government advisor setting in an office does?

There have been those treating it posting on this thread. There are thousands of reports of this online. What else needs to be done in order to deserve the right to post here?

It’d help if you’d tell us your direct experience with it.


May 20, 2020
If you are high risk, stay home and take care of yourself. Truly amazes me that anyone that chooses to go outside "doesn't care about others", is "selfish and un-infomed", etc.

So divisive .....


Jun 18, 2014
Yes, an epidemiologist has a far better handle on this in data gathering, analysis and interpretation than a primary care doctor on the front lines. Very different areas of expertise.

Likewise, I'll take the primary care doc over an epidemiologist to manage my n=1 case should the need arise.
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Yes, an epidemiologist has a far better handle on this in data gathering, analysis and interpretation than a primary care doctor on the front lines. Very different areas of expertise.

Likewise, I'll take the primary care doc over an epidemiologist to manage my n=1 case should the need arise.
There has been plenty of epidemiologists reporting on this that don’t share Faucci’s opinion. But, every time they have, they’ve been bombarded for not sharing his sentiments.

it’s like the unknown because of so much conflicting opinions from professionals. Which I might add, few have experience enough to justify out weighing those actually treating this first hand.

That appears to be the problem to me. So many who have zero experience with this, trying to insert their credentials to be authority’s on it. While those in the affected places, seem to be not getting the attention their experience deserves. Because Faucci says differently.

I’ll take the word of those with dirty hands. Just my thoughts


Jun 18, 2014
Sometimes its difficult to see the forest through all of the trees.

The data is somewhat poor due to many factors (despite the efforts of very smart people working very hard) and different interpretations will obviously occur. That doesn't make every dissenting nor confirming idea a conspiracy, nor political, nor the fault of the "other guys". It's just complicated, and anybody who thinks its simple, or obviously black and white, is probably too stupid to be taken seriously.

We will have a much better view of this pandemic, in about 5 years. Until then, we do the best we can with the data we have.


Apr 17, 2020
I can respect some of the more cautious individuals posting on this thread. None of us knows it all for sure. I do disagree though that much of what we have been and are being fed is political. The line in the sand has been pretty clearly the party lines. If this wasn't an election year, I believe the narrative would be a bit different.
Feb 20, 2014
Southwest Colorado
The swedish experiment is not going so well.

Sweden's Public Health Agency last week released the initial findings of an ongoing antibodies study that showed that only 7.3% of people in Stockholm had developed antibodies against COVID-19 by late April. Tegnell later described the study's figure as a "bit lower than we'd thought," adding that the study represented a snapshot of the situation some weeks ago and he believed that by now "a little more than 20%" of Stockholm's population should have contracted the virus.

Sent from my F1 using Tapatalk


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Put that graph on a log scale if you wan't to compare between countries. It looks a whole lot different than the linear scale. The log scale is more correct when doing comparison.

Far too early to tell if what Sweden is doing is working or not. So they haven't shut down their economy and it may take longer for them to reach projected infection numbers. If that is the case then all of these countries shutting down will take far longer than Sweden. If they accomplish it in a shorter amount of time then I'd say its working.

Death rates are dependent on the healthcare system. Theirs hasn't been overwhelmed. Therefore, their death rate isn't higher because of what they are doing. It just gets there quicker. Everyone that has shut down is going to see numbers go up in both infections and deaths every time they re open. How many times do you want to repeat the cycle? You aren't going to social distance and essential business this virus away.

There is one strategy to make the virus go away. Everyone goes on a three week lockdown inside their home, period. No one goes out or anywhere for any reason. Once that is done you shut the borders to any and everyone, period. Not feasible and not going to happen.
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