After hearing / watching White House Covid response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx tell us that they are counting infected patients who die with Covid 19, as being Covid 19 deaths, regardless of underlying issues of current health at time of infection, makes it hard believe to me that the amount of deaths are under reported. They say some nearly 8 thousand people die a day in the US, large percentage being from disease or illness. That means there are thousands of people on their death bed daily in the US, ready to die from something they've been battling with for who knows how long. Along could come many illnesses to push these individuals past the brink. But, these people catch Covid, pass on, and their counted as Covid deaths. I understand it could be difficult to break it all down to find out each person's worse underlying issue that caused the death, but to just count it, and then report these numbers seems like inflation to me. Also, could an individual have Covid and Influenza at the same time? Covid, and pneumonia at the same time? I'm assuming so, their all killers.
And this isn't being insensitive. I care dearly for people. I know when I have a loved one pass I want the death certificate to be accurate in the death description. And what was reported from Dr. Birx, I dare say some individuals aren't getting the accuracy they deserve.
I like to end my posts with "and that's my opinion". Because it seems to end my discussion for further debate. And I appreciate that

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