What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I know a bit about Jeb! And Little Marco from living in Tallahassee while they were there. Corrupt sleaze ! I absolutely loved the way Trump ridiculed and dismissed them and the rest of the field. I gave money and for the first time in my life I happily voted FOR a candidate instead of against one. Keep America Great 2020 !!!
To be honest, it only really BUGGED me when he went after Ted. Ted's my guy!!!
I am not sure that is going to be very effective...I think there is a good chance of a tracking app for everyone...that's how S. Korea kept the #'s low.
Ain't going to happen. While it is astounding the number of Americans that doesn't understand the cost of maintaining freedom, no one has slipped that far gone. At least anyone worth listening to.

My wife was tested and told to home confine for two weeks. Guess I gotta do it too at least until the results get back. It sucks. But, it isn't Trumps fault. I'm just glad I'm not so dumb to realize party politics has no place in this. I feel sorry for those too ignorant to realize that.
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I like your moderate stance, and I apologize to other forum members if what I said earlier was perceived by some as 'leftist propaganda'. What irritates me to no end with Trump is his persistent narcissism, and relegation and deflection of any and all responsibility for anything whatsoever, especially now. Is that really what Americans want in their leader? I've kept my mouth shut for most of his presidency, but from what I can ascertain that is happening as-we-speak I truly believe more people should be at a minimum, extremely concerned with the president's leadership capabilities.

Let me post a few as-of-today visual charts that speak strongly from politically 'center' websites:

View attachment 169071
Source: FinancialTimes (https://www.ft.com/coronavirus-late...VOU-DAOA5P1Lvww-dn5TLTAjWHX1PnME6xwnhzxJ3ABa4)

View attachment 169073
Source: FinancialTimes (https://www.ft.com/coronavirus-late...VOU-DAOA5P1Lvww-dn5TLTAjWHX1PnME6xwnhzxJ3ABa4)

View attachment 169074
Source: https://informationisbeautiful.net/...GrHPdILl9zqnNY6Iorg3qrfGQelXIlYK7_JUZO7cz2V8k

So what do you all see from these charts? Sure, America is a LARGE country of 327 million people, but let's just take third bottom chart as an example. South Korea (population 51.5 million, 15.7% of the population of the United Staes) has 200 confirmed deaths to date. The USA has 14,700. So roughly, if we were doing the same as they were scaled to our population, we'd have 1273 deaths. We have 11.5X that many deaths so far. South Korea didn't even have to institute the same level of strict measures that other Asian countries have. When did South Korea discover their first case of COVID19? January 19th, the same day the US reported its first case. They simply prioritized testing. As of early April, South Korea has tested 1 out of every 150 people in the country. The USA as of April 6th has tested almost 2 million, still over a million shy of the equivalent 1% mark (3.3 million tests). So on a positive note we are rapidly upscaling our testing capabilities.

The critical difference to me appears to be that the US is late to the party. With a virus that spreads at an exponential rate, mass early testing, contact tracing, and quarantines of infected individuals are the key to stopping the virus from turning it into what it has unfortunately become in America today.

Trump is the president, the buck stops with him. Obviously, many others are partially responsible in contributing to the situation we are in, including potentially decade(s) of diminishing funding to pandemic response governmental agencies. You can say that pointing fingers doesn't help, but we have to point fingers to understand how the hell we got here, and how to avoid a future, more deadly pandemic than this one.
Let me be the first to sy that you are clueless. I generally try to refrain from doing such but, you are a special topic all to yourself. All this stuff means nothing. While the buck does stop with Trump for sure, things aren't as simple as you and Nd blowhard are trying to make it. Decisions affecting billions of people require more thought then you give credit for. There is no way to make everyone happy. But, the intent was well meaning and no doubt involved more then most common people can comprehend. That is what happens when you lead people. That is undoubtedly foreign to you and, after reading your posts, it is painfully clear as to why.

I have got one little tidbit of info for you. While this virus is taking its toll on 1st world countries, its going to wreck hell all over 3rd world countries. You know, those countries in existence because of no other reason then the sovereign strength of the United States. there is more to governing this country then pushing a black and white button. While there is no doubt about Trump's allegiance to this country, he is smart enough to understand what we do here, affects the whole world. Without a strong US economy, the while 3rd world is going to suffer.

The scare of this virus alone was assured to cause problems for less fortunate countries. Based solely on how it affected markets. But, I guess that doesn't matter when you are nothing more then a political hack job. What is wrong with you?
NY has buried unclaimed bodies at that field for decades. Homeless people who die of everything. The reporter outside with the mask on that looks to be in front of a green screen. People just swallow that crap like it’s a bacon cheeseburger apparently. Sad.

Boy do they want this crisis to last forever

25 bodies a week are typically buried on Hart Island. Now, they’re burying 25 bodies a day.
Something to take note of.

Green screen lol? Must of had a fan running to make his hair flutter, as if it was windy.
I keep gps turned off and do not really carry my phone around with me daily....it stays in the vehicle unless I am going into the woods.
Let me be the first to sy that you are clueless. I generally try to refrain from doing such but, you are a special topic all to yourself. All this stuff means nothing. While the buck does stop with Trump for sure, things aren't as simple as you and Nd blowhard are trying to make it. Decisions affecting billions of people require more thought then you give credit for. There is no way to make everyone happy. But, the intent was well meaning and no doubt involved more then most common people can comprehend. That is what happens when you lead people. That is undoubtedly foreign to you and, after reading your posts, it is painfully clear as to why.

I have got one little tidbit of info for you. While this virus is taking its toll on 1st world countries, its going to wreck hell all over 3rd world countries. You know, those countries in existence because of no other reason then the sovereign strength of the United States. there is more to governing this country then pushing a black and white button. While there is no doubt about Trump's allegiance to this country, he is smart enough to understand what we do here, affects the whole world. Without a strong US economy, the while 3rd world is going to suffer.

The scare of this virus alone was assured to cause problems for less fortunate countries. Based solely on how it affected markets. But, I guess that doesn't matter when you are nothing more then a political hack job. What is wrong with you?

Thanks. I'm gracious for your acute critique of my opinion, it means a lot to me. Trump is no leader. He is a con-artist that's hijacked the US, undercut his own agencies, defunded institutions, replaced all leadership under him with 'yes men', and masturbates to thoughts of how to further enact ultranationalist policies. Then COVID19 came.

With COVID19, your issue is that you grossly misunderstand math. You have a hard time digesting the basis of science and what is acceptable vs conspiracy. You're used to linear thinking, but this disease is anything but that. It requires extraordinary measures at the onset of an outbreak. Trump's errors in critical decision making in January and February have brought the country to its current ****** state. You state 'All this stuff means nothing'. Can you elaborate? Give me some citations too, some non-fox ones would be a place to start. Your comments indicate that you live in a relatively isolated bubble of white, rural, working class people, same as a lot on this forum. I would encourage you to get outside of that from time to time, broaden your horizons and global perspective. Don't listen to one or two media sources, listen to dozens, from left and right perspectives. You're stuck in a positive feedback loop of Trump propaganda, and you're trying to gaslight me while you're at it.

3rd World Countries - I'm glad you brought this up. So Mongolia (you know, right north of CHINA) so far has 16 confirmed cases. I have friends that live there. They have had brutal epidemics in the past, so they understood the gravity of the situation when Wuhan was in the news. They went into a strict lockdown before they had a single confirmed case. Its kind of amazing to me that what many would call a shitty 3rd world country understands how to respond to a pandemic in a much better way than the America has. Obviously, other third world countries will get completely bulldozed by this. Anyway, nothing to worry about here though. We're #1....in COVID19! Make America Grave Again.

Happy Friday brah
Thanks. I'm gracious for your acute critique of my opinion, it means a lot to me. Trump is no leader. He is a con-artist that's hijacked the US, undercut his own agencies, defunded institutions, replaced all leadership under him with 'yes men', and masturbates to thoughts of how to further enact ultranationalist policies. Then COVID19 came.

With COVID19, your issue is that you grossly misunderstand math. You have a hard time digesting the basis of science and what is acceptable vs conspiracy. You're used to linear thinking, but this disease is anything but that. It requires extraordinary measures at the onset of an outbreak. Trump's errors in critical decision making in January and February have brought the country to its current ****** state. You state 'All this stuff means nothing'. Can you elaborate? Give me some citations too, some non-fox ones would be a place to start. Your comments indicate that you live in a relatively isolated bubble of white, rural, working class people, same as a lot on this forum. I would encourage you to get outside of that from time to time, broaden your horizons and global perspective. Don't listen to one or two media sources, listen to dozens, from left and right perspectives. You're stuck in a positive feedback loop of Trump propaganda, and you're trying to gaslight me while you're at it.

3rd World Countries - I'm glad you brought this up. So Mongolia (you know, right north of CHINA) so far has 16 confirmed cases. I have friends that live there. They have had brutal epidemics in the past, so they understood the gravity of the situation when Wuhan was in the news. They went into a strict lockdown before they had a single confirmed case. Its kind of amazing to me that what many would call a shitty 3rd world country understands how to respond to a pandemic in a much better way than the America has. Obviously, other third world countries will get completely bulldozed by this. Anyway, nothing to worry about here though. We're #1....in COVID19! Make America Grave Again.

Happy Friday brah
Sounds like a great place for you to visit, BRAH!!!
2020 is in the bag Baby. We might go for 12 years! You can make any excuse you want to hate Trump, but he is our President because us “rural white working folks” got fed up with this PC limp wristed pussification of America. So many people want all this “change”, well go somewhere that they currently welcome it.

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