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- Dec 19, 2016
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- Eastern Montana
The thread will probably be locked soon, turning in to politics with no information, the reason it was left up as said already was for info, no politics
Getting close to 3,000 posts, who's it going to be?
There should be a prize
A pack of TP and some hand sanitizer?
You really are too simple to waste time on. Your mind is made up and, nothing matters except that to you.Thanks. I'm gracious for your acute critique of my opinion, it means a lot to me. Trump is no leader. He is a con-artist that's hijacked the US, undercut his own agencies, defunded institutions, replaced all leadership under him with 'yes men', and masturbates to thoughts of how to further enact ultranationalist policies. Then COVID19 came.
With COVID19, your issue is that you grossly misunderstand math. You have a hard time digesting the basis of science and what is acceptable vs conspiracy. You're used to linear thinking, but this disease is anything but that. It requires extraordinary measures at the onset of an outbreak. Trump's errors in critical decision making in January and February have brought the country to its current ****** state. You state 'All this stuff means nothing'. Can you elaborate? Give me some citations too, some non-fox ones would be a place to start. Your comments indicate that you live in a relatively isolated bubble of white, rural, working class people, same as a lot on this forum. I would encourage you to get outside of that from time to time, broaden your horizons and global perspective. Don't listen to one or two media sources, listen to dozens, from left and right perspectives. You're stuck in a positive feedback loop of Trump propaganda, and you're trying to gaslight me while you're at it.
3rd World Countries - I'm glad you brought this up. So Mongolia (you know, right north of CHINA) so far has 16 confirmed cases. I have friends that live there. They have had brutal epidemics in the past, so they understood the gravity of the situation when Wuhan was in the news. They went into a strict lockdown before they had a single confirmed case. Its kind of amazing to me that what many would call a shitty 3rd world country understands how to respond to a pandemic in a much better way than the America has. Obviously, other third world countries will get completely bulldozed by this. Anyway, nothing to worry about here though. We're #1....in COVID19! Make America Grave Again.
Happy Friday brah
People that blame and pick where they lack "complete" understanding of a situation are the very people whom I would think needed to open their minds and get out of a bubble.It's a beautiful place to visit for sure. I've lived there for a number of years previously. A lot of world class hunting too. Look outside your sheltered bubble, my friend.
Coronavirus in New York: A paramedic's diary
New York City paramedic Anthony Almojera details 24 hours in the world's coronavirus hotspot.www.bbc.com
We find a man. His family says he has had a fever and cough for five days. We start CPR and I watch the medics pass a tube down his throat to breathe for him and the IV gets started.
We work on him for about 30 minutes before we pronounce him dead. I make sure the crews are OK and get back in my truck - decontaminating everything first. I hit the button to go available.
Twenty minutes later, I get another cardiac arrest. Same symptoms, same procedures, same results. This virus attacks the lungs: you can't get enough oxygen into your system, then other systems start to shut down and then organ failure.
We hit the button, get another one.
Hit the button after that, get another one.
There's only one patient we've seen so far who I feel wasn't Covid-19 and that's because it was a suicide. Imagine: I was there and my brain felt relief. This person's dead and it's a suicide. I felt relief that it was a regular job.
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This is what people don't realize, if allowed to run its course this could happen across our country. Its all fine and good unless its your family, right! In my state 30% of cases are being admitted to the hospital. That's a huge number. Image if rural America got hit, those communities aren't trained or equipped to handle this.
I’m not saying this isn’t bad, but I disagree with your assessment that all of our communities could be like NYC is. Compare the population densities and you’ll see what I’m getting at. Alpine WY, just for example, will never have an outbreak on the scale of what NYC is seeing because there simple aren’t so many people jammed into the available space. Fewer people sharing the same space should decrease transmission, I would think. If that weren’t true, why the social distancing?
It is bad. At my age I’m super lucky to have three of my four grandparents left, plus a step-grandad. They live in small towns. My old man is a double lung transplant recipient. I sure hope things don’t get as bad in those small towns as they have in NYC.
Maybe instead of making political assumptions about me, let's use Trump's words on this through time. My point is that the economy was forced to crash, due to lack of testing. We cannot statistically ascertain where the hot spots were early on, hence a forced closure for large parts of the nation. Why did the Trump administration abandon the W.H.O. tests and early intelligence that this would be a crisis? Trump let this cat out of the bag, and let this flare up into an ECONOMIC AND HEALTH CRISIS. He is the president, and he owns the mess we are in. Trump created a self imposed economic crash for the United States. How anyone can believe anything the man says at this point is beyond me.
Let's look at some of DIRECT QUOTES on a timeline:
Jan. 22: Trump: "And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine."
Jan. 24: Trump: "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"
Jan. 30: "We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. ... we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it."
Feb. 2: Trump: "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
Feb. 14: "We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape."
Feb. 24: Trump: "Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"
Mar. 6: Trump:"Anybody that wants a test can get a test."
Mar. 9: Trump: "The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”
Mar. 17: Trump: "I've always known this is a real, this is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."
At some point, you have to take responsibility in the realization that you've been manipulated to a great degree by the Trump administration. You've been brainwashed to believe all news media that paints him in a distasteful light is fake news. Trump is a master at this though, and has a strong record of lies, misinformation, and lawsuits throughout his life. You've been conned by a true grifter.
If we as Americans had faith in science, our institutions, and what most of the world and US media report on, perhaps we'd be in a better position than we are now.
I think there's plenty of proof out there. The US is somewhere around 20k deaths. Which is quite possibly underreported, due to lack of testing, lag time, etc.
There's no doubt that being in close proximity to others spreads this faster.
How many deaths would we be at if we were still packing stadiums full of people, sending everyone to crowded workplaces and cramming airplanes full of people and sending them around the world?
The answer is we will never know, there's lots of smart people making models of the highs and lows, etc. But it's safe to assume that stopping all non essential business and asking people to stay at home has had a positive effect.
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Im not talking a bit infection rate, I’m talking about the system being overwhelmed. You don’t need rates like New York to overwhelm rural hospitals and first responder staff. You simply need an influx of patients larger than their normal numbers.