Dustin the wind
- Joined
- Jul 22, 2019
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- Idaho
This is like an echo chamber with 3 or 4 different echoes bouncing off walls indefinitely.
It is estimated that 11-21% of the global population contracted the illness, and 151,000-579,000 died.
For comparison, the WHO estimates that 250,000 to 500,000 people die of seasonal flu annually.
Kung flu so far= 70,000.
I am questioning the guys who prognosticated the US impact of COVID-19 would be less than H1N1.
You do realize that many people will die from the flu every single year and always will, that is a constant in human lives. This is on top of that. Just like comparing it to drinking and driving deaths
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You do realize we in fact realize that. But, do you realize if stats hold true about the correlation of death in relation to unemployment rates, that even the highest Fauci projection of Covid 19 deaths in his country fall way short of what this broad brush tactic will/has created?
I'll post this here too. Current screenshot from flight radar. Middle of the night no less. Glad "non essential" small businesses are being bankrupted!! You know, to keep people at home.![]()
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Check this out:
For the weeks ending 2/1/2020 to 4/4/2020 they have provided death data.
For those weeks (combined) 2017-2019 the average dead from all causes is 575k (you have to infer this, 466k/0.81 = 575k). But this year it's only 81% of that. And if you look week by week the trend is down to some pretty low levels, including 16% of normal last week, and 62% of normal the week before that. The difference between normal and this year for these weeks is some 109K people! That tells me that there is a very good chance the lock down is saving more people from other stuff than from the virus itself.
Plus they're saying that pretty much anyone that dies in a hospital died as a result of the wuhan virus even if they were on their death bed from a preexisting condition so the death numbers are inflated. Who knows what the true death rate is. China sure never reported anything close to the truth regarding the wuhan virus.
Did you filter out freighter aircraft? Passenger flights over the house to the nearby regional airport are down from several an hour to a handful each day. I’m still seeing a lot of freighters though.
I’ve been considering assisting suicide...for those that really deserve the helpSo how many of you are considering suicide??
Interesting view on a past epidemic, social distancing and its effects pre- and post, as related to economic recovery. Sounds a bit familiar to the actions taken by some cities/states vs. others (looking at you, Florida....)
Cities That Went All In on Social Distancing in 1918 Emerged Stronger for It (Published 2020)
They had lower mortality rates from the influenza pandemic. But their economies also appeared to fare better.www.nytimes.com
I think the media is saying that. I don't think the public agencies are though. I think the govt orgs are presenting the facts/truths and the media is spinning them to make them scary. That link I posted specifically mentioned pneumonia for example. The data is there, it's just not being spoon fed to us (like it should be).