What are you paying for fuel?

Too dang much considering the stock value of oil is now negative....just sayin'

Ha, ha! Yeah, I’m looking forward to going to the gas station and them paying me to take the fuel off their hands. Looking forward to it, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

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I saw at one point today a barrel of oil was NEGATIVE $37 per barrel. They better figure that out quick.
Still $2.19 in SLC, ut. That's down from $2.29 when this all started. Somebody is making money on this.
$1.94 for regular yesterday in UT. Haven't been to Costco recently but I imagine the premium I require costs about the same as regular does at most places.

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$2.11 for Premium at Costco in Utah today. Not seeing the huge decreases in cost yet.

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