What and how do you carry your sidearm in the highcountry?

I just have a leather belt holster for my Ruger Redhawk 44 (4"). It's always on my belt so no need to worry about where it is when pack is off. I end up taking layers off and on too ofter so I don't like a chest rig. Do not understand the whining about weight, I'm 73 and 170 lbs and the 3+ lbs doesn't bother me (you do need a good belt though or it starts hurting on the off side). Lots of griz where we hunt.
Thanks for posting. Had not seen before. Looks great. Considering this to replace a Badlands bino harness that has always been underwhelming.
It's a great harness for carrying a side arm. Made in Idaho, it comes with accessory pockets and loops for bear spray, and it has held up for 4 years very well.
The one thing it could improve on is the bino box. I wish it had some built in structure so that when the binos are out, its not as floppy. Other than that its a great piece of gear that checks all my boxes.
I carry a G19 in a FHF bino harness/holster combo regardless of the season. It's very comfortable and I like having binos & the glock handy when hiking or hunting. Nice having it on your chest when processing animals. A bit more accessible than a rifle resting against a tree or on the ground somewhere.

I see people mention not needing/wanting to carry a handgun when rifle hunting, not bagging on that take by any means, I respect it. For me it's not a weight thing, it's like 30 ounces with a full mag - I like the added security and have become so used to carrying it.
Kenai chest holster has been the answer for me. Super comfortable and readily accessible. It’s been so comfortable that I pretty much only take it off to sleep. Use it with/under bino harness and pack without issue. Season after season in nasty brush and have never had a retention issue.
Ditto. I’ll wear my bino harness on top if needed. It’s been a great holster if admittedly overpriced. Gunfighters in general make great stuff. Their ronin OWB holster is my favorite.
Carry mine vertical in a homemade leather bag with cover flap. Also holds extra mag. Sits just to side of bino harness. I spend time horseback in dark so under harness don't work (bangs off saddle horn). Persoanlly do not care for open holsters. Partially for limited carry options, partially for weather stuff. Flap has a snap.
I just purchased a hellcat spring field 9mm. I will be carrying it with a marsupial harness. Haven't really carried much in the mountains since the early 2000s. Maybe it's me getting older, but I do feel more comfortable knowing a cracked-out sheep herder won't get the best of me!View attachment 739830
I have the same Marsupial harness, really comfortable. Make sure your hunting buddy stays on your right side when hunting/hiking together. I prefer the gun barrel to be pointing in a safe direction no matter what, no exceptions. S_ _t happens, just saying.
I sew my own holsters.

9mm S&W Shield (my edc)
Federal 147gr Solid Core
BH! A.R.C IWB holster

I carry it on the waste band of my pack in a BH! A.R.C IWB holster (also same holster I carry with). I just move the clip to the other side of the holster so it turns into an OWB. If I leave my pack or just hanging around camp I just take it off the waist belt and put it on my belt.

I have enough sh!t on my chest with a bino harness, range finder, wind checker, extra bullets in the bino pouch and extra handgun mag also in the side pocket of the bino pouch. Plus the bino pouch comes on and off when taking breaks. Where I can just transfer the firearm and holster to my belt.
G Code holster on my pack hip belt when archery hunting. When the pack comes off the pistol comes off too and sits within arms reach. I don’t carry when rifle hunting
I don't carry a handgun, I use bear spray. It's the most reliable deterrent on the market, and the most animal friendly.

Pack my FN 509 on my K4 hip belt, but I am thinking of trying out a chest rig, just mainly for the purpose, if I don't have my pack on, I don't have my gun on me. (Granted a 9mm will only bounce off a bears fur, so not sure why I even carry)
9mm S&W Shield (my edc)
Federal 147gr Solid Core
BH! A.R.C IWB holster

I carry it on the waste band of my pack in a BH! A.R.C IWB holster (also same holster I carry with). I just move the clip to the other side of the holster so it turns into an OWB. If I leave my pack or just hanging around camp I just take it off the waist belt and put it on my belt.

I have enough sh!t on my chest with a bino harness, range finder, wind checker, extra bullets in the bino pouch and extra handgun mag also in the side pocket of the bino pouch. Plus the bino pouch comes on and off when taking breaks. Where I can just transfer the firearm and holster to my belt.

Glad to hear someone else echo my feelings. I've got everything on my binoharness but lipstick and mascara at this point. I like the idea of an iwb/owb combo. Will look into this.

I've been been researching minimalist drop leg holsters, but am a bit concerned that I don’t see a lot of hikers/hunters wearing them.

Something like this. https://safariland.com/products/mod...17112&queryIndex=holster_finder_prod_holsters
9mm S&W Shield (my edc)
Federal 147gr Solid Core
BH! A.R.C IWB holster

I carry it on the waste band of my pack in a BH! A.R.C IWB holster (also same holster I carry with). I just move the clip to the other side of the holster so it turns into an OWB. If I leave my pack or just hanging around camp I just take it off the waist belt and put it on my belt.

I have enough sh!t on my chest with a bino harness, range finder, wind checker, extra bullets in the bino pouch and extra handgun mag also in the side pocket of the bino pouch. Plus the bino pouch comes on and off when taking breaks. Where I can just transfer the firearm and holster to my belt.
Looking into this, I’m wondering how do you draw if your pack is off and your pistol is on your pant belt, but you’re wearing layers that fall below your waist and cover up the pistol?
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Looking into this, I’m wondering how do you draw if your pack is off and your pistol is on your pant belt, but you’re wearing layers that fall below your waist and cover up the pistol?
Just how a guy would that would draw carrying on the waist band with a winter coat on in public. left hand pulls coat up and right hand draws. I carry appendix inside the waist band with multiple layers on in the winter. Practice practice practice is the key...I am by no means a speed shooter but I am efficient and smooth.

Too be honest most times my outer layer is kind of tucked up behind it when I put it on anyways so mostly uncovered anyways. Most important part on wearing long clothes is making sure you clothing is clear when you are holstering. I have seen multiple occasions where clothing gets caught in the trigger guard and gun goes off while holstering.